Monday, September 16, 2024

[DMANET] Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics @ Univ. Milano-Bicocca

At the University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, we offer a postdoctoral position within the PANGAIA project (see
For details and application, please visit (call in English and Italian):

Deadline: September 25, 2024 (12:00).
The gross salary is competitive: 40k€ per year. According to Italian Law, that amount is not subject to income tax, but only to retirement funds.
The duration of contract is 12 months, starting in December 2024. The research fits the broad area of combinatorial algorithms and mainly involves graph algorithms and combinatorial pattern matching. The project is focused on the foundations of graph pangenomics and aims to solve efficiently some computational problems related to sequence-to-graph alignment, graph comparison, and efficient data structures for indexing graphs and collection of sequences based on formal language properties. The candidate will join a network of international collaborations on graph pangenomics (see and will interact with researchers actively working in pangenomics. On top of the salary the researcher may receive additional salary for research periods abroad. The project includes funding for attending conferences. Anyone interested in the broad topics of graph algorithms and combinatorial algorithms is welcome to apply.
The ideal candidate should have an established research record in at least one of the following topics: algorithms, data structures, formal languages, bioinformatics.

Location: the research will take place at the Department of Informatics, Systems and Communications, University of Milano-Bicocca.

For more information, contact Gianluca Della Vedova
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