Monday, September 2, 2024

[DMANET] PhD position on model-based testing, at University of Twente (NL), deadline October 6

I am looking for a PhD student to join the Formal Methods and Tools
group at the University of Twente (NL). The topic of the PhD project is
model-based testing.

A short summary of the envisioned research direction of the PhD student
is as follows:
In this research project, you will tackle fundamental questions on
automated testing of complex software systems. The idea is to develop
test automation techniques, that use both information on the expected
behaviour of the system, e.g. available from behaviour-driven
development of the system, and information about the actual behaviour of
the system, e.g. from tests that have already been executed. By
combining several sources of evidence, tests are better equipped for
detecting software bugs, including those often missed by other tools.
You will implement you test generation algorithms in a tool, and apply
them in industrial case studies.

The starting date is flexible and to be discussed.

Deadline for application: October 6

Vacancy (with more information and Apply button):

Kind regards,
Petra van den Bos
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