Friday, January 31, 2025
[DMANET] Conference on Mixing Times, ICTP, 5-9 May 2025
This is the first announcement of the upcoming conference: "Mixing times between Probability, Computer Science and Statistical Physics", to be held in Trieste, ICTP<>, in the week May 5-9, 2025.
Some more information about the topics and the invited speakers are reported below. Please check the dedicated website<> for further information, and do not hesitate to share this message with anyone who might be interested.
Grants & registration. A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee, but registration is required.
Best regards,
the organizing committee
* Theory of Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods
* Efficient sampling
* Random walks in random environment
* Interacting particle systems
* Concentration of measure
* Phase transitions
Mini-course Speakers
P. SOUSI, Cambridge, UK
A. STAUFFER, King's College London, UK
Regular Speakers
A. CARACENI, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy
Z. CHEN, GeorgiaTech, USA
A. CIPRIANI, University College London, UK
B. DUBAIL, KTH, Sweden
D. ELBOIM, Princeton, USA
S. GANGULY, Berkeley, USA
N. GANTERT, TUM, Germany
I. HARTARSKY, CNRS / Lyon 1, France
M. JARA, IMPA, Brazil*
E. NESTORIDI, Stony Brooks, USA
A. SARKOVIC, Cambridge, UK
D. SCHMID, Columbia, USA
A. SINCLAIR, Berkeley, USA*
A. SHAPIRA, MAP5, France
A. SLY, Princeton, USA
C. TONINELLI, CNRS/Paris Dauphine, France
*To be confirmed
Organizing Committee
P. Caputo, Roma Tre, Italy
M. Quattropani, Roma Tre, Italy
J. Salez, Paris Dauphine & PSL, France
F. Sau, Università di Milano, Italy
V. Silvestri, Sapienza, Italy
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[DMANET] First Call for workshop papers: LS-NoT@DCOSS-IoT 2025
LS-NoT 2025: Long and Short Range Wireless Technologies Applied to IoT for Networks of Tomorrow
Co-located with DCOSS-IoT 2025.
Tuscany (Lucca), Italy, June 9-11, 2025
Conference website:
Submission link:
Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline: March 1, 2025
Acceptance notification: April 30, 2025
Camera-ready deadline: May 9, 2025
The popularity of the IoT has grown over the last decade thanks to its numerous applications and the evolution of micro electronics. Moreover, with this evolution, the price of IoT components decreased during the last decade, which made them more accessible and eased their integration in specific areas. This leads to pioneer IoT applications opening an exciting path to the world of tomorrow. From these domains, we can note : Satellite communications (satellite-to-satellite, satellite-to-earth, earth-to-satellite), Wide range communication in white areas, Vehicular communications (vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure, infrastructure-to-vehicle), Fog and Edge computing, etc. just to name a few. These new domains in IoT bring challenges and opportunities in terms of communication, whether in long or short range, that the actual wireless technologies need to tackle. For these reasons, this new workshop aims at finding and promoting new solutions for long and short range IoT applications. Moreover, any recent communication technologies that can be applied to IoT devices have to be investigated and promoted. From these technologies, we can note the next upgrade of the Internet (6G, tactile Internet, etc.), Bluetooth Low Energy, Visible Light Communications (VLC), Magnetic Inductions, Acoustic waves, etc.
Topics of Interest (but not only limited to):
- Satellite communication using LoRa
- Space-terrestrial integrated IoT
- Security in LPWAN
- Firmware update Over The Air (OTA)
- Visible light communication (VLC)
- Vehicular Networks
- Ultra wide band in IoT
- LoRa for 2.4 GHz communications
- 6G & tactile internet
- Low-power wireless communications
- Mobile and multi-access edge computing
- Cognitive radio
- Ubiquitous networks
- Fog computing
- Testbeds and datasets
- Magnetic Inductions and acoustic waves in extreme environments
- Bluetooth low energy (BLE)
- UAV-based wireless network
- ...
Submission Guidelines:
All submission guidelines for the authors can be found on the website:
DCOSS-IoT 2025 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP). The Proceedings will be included in IEEE Xplore.
Questions and further information:
All questions and further need of information are invited to be emailed to any organizing committee members directly:
Jana Koteich (
Nina Tamdrari (
Damien Wohwe Sambo (
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Thursday, January 30, 2025
[DMANET] QUASAR 2025 - 2nd Workshop on Quantum Algorithms, Software and Applied Research
Notre Dame, IN (USA) on July 20th 2025
Web Page:
The 2nd Workshop on Quantum Algorithms, Software and Applied Research (QUASAR) is part of the ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC:, the premier annual conference for presenting the latest research on the design, implementation, evaluation, and use of parallel and distributed systems for high-end computing.
QUASAR will be held in Notre Dame, IN (USA) on July 20th 2025 and aims to serve as a platform for the presentation of new research results in quantum computing, with a key focus on the broadly defined field of Information Processing and Retrieval, leveraging the emerging paradigm of quantum computing. QUASAR is committed to providing both young and established researchers with the opportunity to submit research papers that report fresh, original and innovative findings. The primary objectives of QUASAR are to facilitate connections and partnerships within the academic community, while promoting an environment conducive to the academic exchange of ideas, methodologies and the dissemination of recent advances in quantum information recovery and research.
QUASAR places a strong emphasis on supporting young researchers and, for this reason, articles written exclusively or mainly by postgraduate students or postdoctoral researchers are particularly welcome.
The Quantum Algorithms, Software and Applied Research (QUASAR) conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, academicians, and industry professionals in the field of Computer Science to discuss and exchange insights on advancements, challenges, and emerging trends in quantum algorithms, software development, their diverse applications, and how they might be affected in advances in quantum architectures.
The primary topics of this conference include, but are not limited to:
- Advancing Quantum Algorithms: Presenting and exploring innovative quantum algorithms designed to address complex computational challenges across various domains, emphasizing efficiency, scalability, and applicability within the Computer Science community.
- Information Retrieval Techniques: Investigating cutting-edge information retrieval methodologies leveraging quantum computing paradigms for enhanced data indexing, retrieval, and analysis.
Quantum Software Development: Investigating best practices, tools, and frameworks for developing quantum software, with a focus on programming languages, compilers, optimization techniques, and their integration into classical computing workflows.
- Hybrid Quantum and Classical Systems: Exploring hybrid quantum-classical architectures, algorithms, and systems that leverage the complementary strengths of quantum and classical computing for solving complex problems across various domains.
- Applications and Implementations: Showcasing real-world applications of quantum computing, spanning fields such as machine learning, optimization, cryptography, artificial intelligence, and data analysis, with a strong emphasis on their computational impact.
- Theoretical and Practical Perspectives: Facilitating discussions on the theoretical underpinnings of quantum algorithms, alongside practical demonstrations and case studies highlighting their implementation in computational contexts.
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encouraging cross-disciplinary exchanges between quantum computing experts, software engineers, and researchers in Computer Science, fostering innovation and novel approaches.
- Languages and Language Semantics for Quantum Computing: Investigating languages and semantic models specifically designed for quantum computing, with a particular focus on hybrid systems, quantum programming paradigms, and information retrieval in quantum contexts.
- Quantum Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the intersection of quantum computing and artificial intelligence, focusing on quantum-enhanced machine learning models, optimization in AI systems, quantum neural networks, and the transformative potential of quantum technologies in AI research and applications.
The conference invites submissions of research papers, case studies, demonstrations, and presentations addressing these objectives. In addition, QUASAR places a strong emphasis on supporting young researchers, and, for this reason, papers authored solely or primarily by postgraduate students or postdoctoral researchers are particularly welcomed
Submitted papers are required to range from a minimum of 5 pages to a maximum of 8 pages, excluding clearly marked appendices. Authors are required to use the sigconf LaTeX template provided by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) for manuscript preparation. Submitted papers must present original work that has not been published elsewhere or is currently under review for another conference or journal.
The review process will follow a single-blind approach, ensuring impartial evaluations of the submissions. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and published by ACM in the workshop proceedings.
HPDC employs a single-blind review process. Kindly note that the presence of a paper on arXiv does not restrict authors from submitting a paper to QUASAR. ArXiv papers undergo no peer review and are not considered formal publications; hence, they are not regarded as prior works. Authors need not make comparisons against arXiv papers that have not been formally published in conference proceedings or journals previously
Paper Submission Deadline: April 15, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: May 12, 2025
Camera Ready Papers due: June 1, 2025
Workshop Date: July 20, 2025
Peter M. Kogge, University of Notre Dame (USA)
Arianna Pavone, Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy)
Caterina Viola, Università degli Studi di Catania (Italy)
For any additional information visit:
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[DMANET] Assistant Professor positions at Aalto University (Finland)
The Department of Computer Science at Aalto University (Finland) is hiring five Assistant Professors:
Among the positions is e.g. one position in "Programming languages", which might be of interest to this community.
Kind regards,
Jukka Suomela
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Wednesday, January 29, 2025
[DMANET] iMETA 2025: The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Metaverse Technologies & Applications, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Applications (iMETA 2025)*
14-17 October 2025 | Dubrovnik, Croatia
*Hybrid Conference*
*Technically sponsored by IEEE Croatia section*
Over the years, technology has advanced significantly, and the creation of
virtual environments (i.e., metaverse) is one of the latest innovations to
revolutionize how we interact, process, and connect our real lives to other
lives. With the metaverse, we are presented with a new realm that blurs the
lines between the physical and digital world, providing a new space for
communication, commerce, services, and entertainment.
The International Conference on Intelligent Metaverse Technologies &
Applications (iMETA) is to bring together leading researchers, academics,
and industry experts to explore the various aspects of the distributive
metaverse, including its technologies, applications, and implications for
various industries. Attendees can expect to participate in exciting keynote
speeches, panel discussions, and presentations on cutting-edge research
Throughout the conference, there will be ample opportunities for attendees
to network, share their knowledge, and collaborate on future initiatives
that will drive the development of the metaverse forward. We are confident
that iMETA conference will inspire new ideas, foster innovation, and spark
collaborations that will push the boundaries of the metaverse and its
potential to change the world as we know it.
The metaverse is a complex system that requires careful planning, design,
and implementation to function correctly. The iMETA conference will delve
into several key areas related to communication, computing, and systems
within the metaverse. Communication is a fundamental aspect of the
metaverse, allowing users to interact with one another, share information,
and collaborate on tasks. Computing is also essential for the metaverse
advancements and to function effectively. Topics such as distributed
computing, cloud computing, and edge computing are to be revisited within
the metaverse realm.
Overall, the iMETA conference aims to provide attendees with a
comprehensive understanding of the communication, computing, and system
requirements of the metaverse. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions,
and presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to engage with
leading experts and learn about the latest developments and future trends
in the field. The conference will also provide ample opportunities for
networking, sharing knowledge, and collaborating with others in the
metaverse community.
List of Tracks:
- Track 1: Large Language Models (LLMs) in the Metaverse
- Track 2: Native AI for Metaverse Technologies
- Track 3: Security and Privacy
- Track 4: Networking and Communications
- Track 5: Systems and Computing
- Track 6: Multimedia and Computer Vision
- Track 7: Immersive Technologies and Services
- Track 8: Storage and Processing
*IEEE is a technical sponsor of iMETA 2025*. All accepted papers in iMETA
2025 and the workshops co-located with it will be submitted to IEEEXplore,
dblp and Scopus for inclusion.
*Important Dates:*
- Papers due: March 15, 2025
- Acceptance notification: May 26, 2025
- Registration due: June 26, 2025
- Camera-ready paper due: July 26, 2025
- Workshop/Tutorial Proposal Submission: March 15, 2025
- Workshop/Tutorial Proposal Acceptance: April 1, 2025
*Submission Guidelines:*
Manuscripts must be original, not previously published, or under review by
another conference or journal. Submissions should adhere to the IEEE
Conference Proceedings Format, using a double-column layout, 10-point font,
and letter-sized paper. Manuscripts must be submitted in PDF format and
should not exceed 6 pages for the review process. Accepted papers may
extend to a maximum of 8 pages for the camera-ready version, subject to an
overlength page fee.
*Submission Link: ***
*Organizing Committee*
Steering Committee
- Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia
- Giancarlo Fortino, University of Calabria, Italy
- Ian F. Akyildiz, Truva Inc., USA
- Merouane Debbah, TII, UAE
- Nirwan Ansari, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
- Salil Kanhere, UNSW Sydney, Australia
- Walid Saad, Virginia Tech, USA
- Moayad Aloqaily, MBZUAI, UAE
General Co-chairs
- Adriana Lipovac, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia
- Yulei Wu, University of Bristol, <>UK
Program Co-chairs
- Ouns Bouachir, Zayed University, UAE
- Elif Bozkaya, National Defence University Turkish Naval Academy, Turkey
- Marwan Omar, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
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[DMANET] Job Announcement | PostDoc Position at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
We are pleased to announce the following job position - please feel free
to forward in your own networks to potentially interested people!
# University Assistant (must hold a Doctorate/Ph.D. degree) for a
Full-time, six-year position
## Organizational unit
LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab
## Entry date
## Job Reference Number
## Environment
The research group for "Secure Systems" at the Secure and Correct
Systems Lab focuses on security engineering and security economics by
applying quantitative methods, particularly in the field of artificial
intelligence. We are looking for post-doc level researchers who aim to
pursue an academic career. We offer ample opportunities to conduct one's
own research and manage projects in different areas of IT security,
including - but not limited to - secure machine learning, security
decision support systems, protocol design and verification, formal
methods and much more. Interdisciplinary approaches, such as combining
machine learning with classical security mechanisms to support
innovative new security concepts, are particularly welcome.
## Job Duties
* Independently conduct research focusing on one or more of the areas
listed under the qualifications, with the objective to earn academic
qualifications at habilitation level
* Be actively involved in acquiring projects and external funding as
well as submitting applications for research funding
* Actively take part supervising students, including classroom
teaching and giving examinations
* Provide support to manage the institute's general administration
* Actively take part in creating and expanding national and
international academic/scientific contacts
* Engage in public relations and knowledge transfer
## Your Qualifications
* The successful candidate must hold a Doctorate/Ph.D. degree in
computer science, mathematics, or a related field conferred by a
university in Austria or abroad with thematic relevance to one or more
of the following fields:
- Applied security (e.g., network security, applied cryptography)
- Game theory for security
- Data Science and artificial intelligence, with applications in
- Discrete Mathematics
- IT risk management
- Security economics
* Publication experience and -record in one or several of the above
areas (include sample papers of yours in your application, and point out
your specific contribution thereto)
* Research project experience (participation in projects, acquisition
or lead of projects, if any)
* Experience in programming (C, C++, etc.) is preferred
* Very good skills language skills in English required (at least B2),
and in German (C1) preferred, or the commitment to learn German within
the first 2 years of employment
## What We Offer
* On the basis of full-time employment (40 hours/week) the minimum
salary in accordance with the collective agreement is € 4,932.90 gross
per month (14 x per year, CA Job Grade: B1)
* Stable employer
* Attractive campus environment with good public transportation
* Attractive continual educational opportunities
* State-of-the-art research infrastructure
* Dynamic research environment
* Broad range of on-campus dining services/healthy meals (organic
food at the cafeteria)
* Exercise and sports classes (USI)
* ...and much more
## Application Deadline
The Johannes Kepler University wishes to increase the proportion of
academic female faculty and, for this reason, especially welcomes
applications by qualified women. If applicants are equally qualified, a
woman will be given preference for this position. The university
welcomes applications from qualified applicants with disabilities. These
applications will be given special consideration.
## Application Link
## Contact
If you have questions, please contact: Univ. Prof. DI DI Dr. Stefan
Rass, P +43 732 2468 545, E-mail:
Exertion place address
Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz
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[DMANET] PhD position in Algorithms / Discrete Optimization at Hamburg University of Technology
The Institute of Algorithms and Complexity at TUHH: Hamburg University
of Technology ( in Hamburg, Germany offers an exciting
opportunity to work as a PhD student at the forefront of
The successful candidate will research algorithms for
discrete/combinatorial optimization problems, mathematical programming,
algorithmic game theory, or related field. We provide close supervision
and support by a panel of established professors and scientists.
Transferable skills and career development are an integral part of the
PhD program. The working language of the institute is English.
This is a full-time position (100%) which comes with an employment
contract for 3 years and social security. The salary of the position is
determined according to level TV-L E-13 of the German public sector. The
exact amount of salary depends on experience, family circumstances, tax
classification and other factors. Travel funding is available, for
attending conferences and workshops, and visiting other researchers.
The successful candidate will join the TUHH Institute for Algorithms and
Complexity (, whose research covers a broad spectrum of
algorithmic research; this includes algorithmic game theory,
combinatorial optimization, approximation and parameterized algorithms,
and applications in operations research and discrete mathematics. The
Institute for Algorithms and Complexity at TU Hamburg currently hosts
several international researchers, so English is used on a daily basis
as a working language.
The institute is located in the newly built Hamburg Innovation Port
which is located right at the Harburg harbour with great views of the
harbour and Hamburg's famous opera house (Elbphilharmonie). Several
other computer science institutes of the TU Hamburg are located in the
area, as well as DASHH - Data Science in Hamburg, the Helmholtz Graduate
School for the Structure of Matter, and the German Air and Space
Research Center (DLR). They are all located in the Free and Hanseatic
City of Hamburg, which is Germany's second largest city, home to a
population of about 1.8 million people. The city is famous for its wide
offers of entertainment, culture and attractions, with several
universities and much research in algorithms.
TU Hamburg offers several attractive benefits, including subsidized
public transport for the Hamburg metropolitan area, a sports centre on
campus, family-friendly working hours, healthy campus initiatives, and
more. For international staff, German classes are offered.
An excellent Masters degree --- either already obtained or to be
completed soon --- in (Applied) Mathematics, Computer Science,
Operations Research, Engineering or related field is required. Affinity
with optimization, algorithms, or discrete mathematics is preferred. In
particular, background in algorithms and complexity, or mathematical
optimization is appreciated. Programming experience is considered a plus.
Interested individuals should submit their applications by 18 February
2025. For a full job description and details on how to apply see
Hamburg University of Technology regards diversity as an integral part
of academic excellence and is committed to employment equity and
accessibility for all employees. As such, we encourage applications from
women, persons with disabilities, members of diverse gender identities,
and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.
In Hamburg, you will have the opportunity to work across disciplines and
collaborate with an international community of scholars and a diverse
student body.
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[DMANET] Fwd: 1st Iberian Conference on Multi-Criteria Decision Making/Analysis (IMCDM/MCDA 2025) - Call for abstracts and announcement of thesis awards
The *1st Iberian Conference on Multi-Criteria Decision Making/Analysis* (*IMCDM/MCDA
2025*) will be held on 8-9 May 2025 at the University of Coimbra,
The conference is jointly organized by the Instituto de Engenharia de
Sistemas e Computadores (INESC) de Coimbra, University of Coimbra and Grupo
Español de Decisión Multicriterio (Spanish Network on MCDM), with the
sponsorship of the Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional
(APDIO), Centre for Business and Economics Research (CeBER), Sociedad
Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO), Asociación
Española de Profesores Universitarios de Matemáticas para la Economía y la
Empresa (ASEPUMA), Red Temática en Decisión Multicriterio and Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid.
The official languages of the conference will be Portuguese, Spanish and
*Important dates:*
• Deadline for submission of oral and presentations and posters - February
28, 2025
• Notification of acceptance - March 14, 2025
• Registration (early bird fee and to guarantee the inclusion in the
scientific program) - March 31, 2025
• Registration (late) - April 21, 2025
*Submissions*: Please send an email to with the
subject "Oral submission IMCDM2025" or "Poster submission IMCDM2025",
according to the submission type; the abstract should be sent as a Word
file prepared using the template at
Upon acceptance, the poster should be brought printed in size A1 for
*Thesis awards*: There are two awards for the best doctoral theses in
the field of multicriteria decision making/analysis defended between 1st
July 2022 and 1st March 2025, one in a Spanish university and one in a
Portuguese university. The deadline for submission of nominations is March
1, 2025 (inclusive). The award regulation is attached.
The conference will be held at the Student Hub building of the
University of Coimbra (Rua Larga, 3000 Coimbra, Portugal).
Please see further details at
The University of Coimbra is inscribed in the UNESCO World heritage List
since 2013. We look forward to seeing you in Coimbra!
Best regards,
Organizing Committee Chairs: Calos Henggeler Antunes (Universidade de
Coimbra) and Antonio Jiménez-Martín (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Scientific Committee Chairs: Maria João Alves (Universidade de Coimbra)
and Amparo Mármol Conde (Universidad de Sevilla)
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[DMANET] 1st Call for Papers - Computational Methods for Business Analytics (CMBA 2025)
Call for Papers
*Computational Methods for Business Analytics
**(**CMBA 2025 <>**)*
CMBA 2025 International Workshop will be held in the 25th International
Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2025)
Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Türkiye, June 30- July 3, 2025
A non-exhaustive list of topics for the CMBA 2025 is as follows:
· Integer linear programming and combinatorial optimization
· Exact optimization algorithms: branch-and-bound, polyhedral
approaches, decomposition-based methods, reformulations
· Heuristics, meta-heuristics, matheuristics and model-based
metaheuristics for integer linear programming and combinatorial optimization
· Real-world applications in industry and services: operations
management, supply chain management, logistics and transportation,
scheduling, production management and distribution, warehousing, location,
energy, telecommunications, project management, healthcare
· Optimization software and decision support systems
· March 7, 2025: Deadline for abstract and paper submission to the
General Tracks
· April 15, 2025: Deadline for reviewers
· April 20, 2025: Notification of Acceptance
· May 8, 2025: Submission deadline for the final version of the
Proceeding Paper (hard deadline)
· May 8, 2025: Registration and payment ends
· June 30 - July 3, 2025: ICCSA 2025 Conference
All accepted papers will be included in the Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS)
<> series which is
indexed by Scopus, EI Engineering Index, Thomson Reuters Conference
Proceedings Citation Index (included in ISI Web of Science), and several
other indexing services. The papers will contain linked references, XML
versions and citable DOI numbers.
To submit a paper, please connect to the Submission site from the link
available at the ICCSA 2025 website: .
Only papers submitted through the electronic system and strictly adhering
to the relevant format will be considered for reviewing and publication.
The submission may fall into the following categories: *General Tracks
and Workshops' Full Papers, General Tracks and Workshops' Short Papers, and
PHD Showcase Papers*.
· TELMO PINTO (CMBA 2025 co-chair), University of Coimbra, Portugal ( )
· CLÁUDIO ALVES (CMBA 2025 co-chair), University of Minho, Portugal (
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[DMANET] [CFP] SmartComp 2025
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFPs.
We appreciate your help to contribute & forward this CFPs to your colleagues.
****** Call for Research and Industry Track Papers ******
SMARTCOMP 2025, the 11th edition of the premier conference on smart computing, will be held in Cork, Ireland, June 16-19.
Smart computing is a multidisciplinary domain based on the synergistic influence of advances in sensor-based technologies, Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, edge computing, big data analytics, machine learning, cognitive computing, ambient intelligence, and artificial intelligence.
Applications of smart computing can be found in various societal domains, including transportation, energy, environmental protection, smart and connected communities, healthcare, industrial systems, and entertainment. Algorithmic and systems advancements of cloud computing, mobile and pervasive computing, sensor networking, and social computing are taking smart computing to a new level while improving our ways of living.
SMARTCOMP main conference will organize a main research track and an industry research track.
The research track solicits submissions that address the core research challenges of smart computing, focusing on designing and developing scalable, dependable systems, and leveraging computing technologies to enhance resource sustainability and elevate the quality of human life.
The industry track invites innovative applications and advances in the industrial use of smart computing technology with a clear industrial association, either in the form of an extensive evaluation of research results in industrial use cases or the active participation of industry representatives as co-authors.
Topics of interest include for both tracks – but are not limited to – the following:
* Emerging Smart Computing Paradigms
* Algorithms for Smart Computing
* AI and Machine Learning in Smart Computing
* Mobile and Ubiquitous Smart Systems, Wearable Computing and IoT
* Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems
* Cloud, Edge, and Fog based Smart Computing Platforms
* Data Architectures and Analytics for Smart Computing
* Distributed Sensing, AI and Computing
* Middleware for Smart Systems
* Novel Communication Paradigms in Smart Computing
* Low Power Communication and Computing for Smart Systems
* Social Computing and Smart Systems
* Quantum Computing in Smart Systems
* Security, Privacy, and Trust in Smart Computing
* Fairness and Socio-technical Aspects of Smart Computing
* Interdisciplinary Approaches to Smart Computing
* Novel applications of Smart Computing in emerging and high potential fields ( e.g., Smart Communities, Health, Industry, Transport, Energy, Agrifood,...)
All the accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Important Dates
Paper Submission: February 23, 2025
Acceptance Notification: April 3, 2025
Camera Ready (tentative): May 10, 2025
Conference: June 16 – June 19, 2025
All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth.
Paper registration will open on November 1st, 2024
Submission Guidelines
Paper submissions must be no longer than 8 pages (the page count limit includes the references list) and formatted according to the two-column IEEE proceedings template. All submitted papers that conform to these guidelines will be subject to peer reviews by Technical Program Committee members and other experts in the field. All presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to the IEEEXplore Digital Library.
One additional page for the camera-ready version can be purchased after the paper review and selection.
Since the conference will be an entire in-presence event, no virtual or remote presentation will be allowed.
Accepted papers must be presented in person by one of the authors, in addition to having an associated full registration. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the exclusion of the paper from the final proceedings, the conference program and from the IEEE Digital Library.
We also strongly advise authors of submitted papers to be prepared to apply for their Irish visa as soon as their paper is accepted.
Research Track TPC co-chairs
Franca Delmastro, IIT-CNR, Italy
Siobhan Clarke, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Industry Track Co-Chairs
Ahmed Khalid, Dell Technologies, Ireland
Hana Khamfroush, University of Kentucky, USA
Contact Information
For any questions about the conference, please contact the TPC Co-Chairs and General Chairs at:
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[DMANET] =?Windows-1252?Q?[CFP]_Extended_Deadline:_January_31, _2025_=96_The_2nd_In?= ternational Workshop on TwinNetApp in conjunction with IEEE ICC 2025 | Montreal, Canada
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFPs.
We appreciate your help to contribute & forward this CFPs to your friends.
You are cordially invited to submit your latest research results to the TwinNetApp Workshop.
The Second International Workshop on Data Driven and AI-Enabled Digital Twin Networks and Applications (TwinNetApp) in conjunction with IEEE ICC 2025 | Montreal, Canada
Workshop Website:
Conference Website:
The next generation technologies are envisioned to connect the physical and digital worlds. In this regard, Digital Twins (DT) is an emerging technology that has taken the world by storm due to its multiple benefits and deployment in interdisciplinary applications ranging from real-time remote monitoring to healthcare, industrial control systems and predictive maintenance in aerospace. DT connects the physical and digital worlds by building an accurate virtual replica of system objects in real-time. Real-time network monitoring, performance testing, optimization, and fast simulation are some examples that exploit DT advantages in the communication domain and beyond. DT delivers a new generation platform to analyse and test complex systems that is not currently available in traditional simulations and evaluations. Therefore, the use of DT is required in communication systems. Further, DT can deliver seamless analysis, monitoring, and predictions between digital and virtual counterparts of real-world systems, when it is used together with next-generation mobile communications (5G/6G), Virtual Reality (VR), Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Transfer Learning (TL), 3D models, Augmented Reality (AR), distributed computing and intelligent health applications. The workshop will invite authors to submit papers presenting new research related to all aspects of DT networks, systems and applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Data-driven and IoT-based DT networks for real-time communication systems
• Real-time communication protocols for DT networks
• DT-enabled health applications
• Wireless communications for cyber-physical DT applications
• Security and privacy concepts in DT
• Trustworthy AI enabled DT applications
• DT-assisted AI applications for smart cities
• Communications protocols for enabling DT deployment in real-world applications
• AI applications of DT systems
• DT in Edge/Fog/Cloud Computing
• DT for enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC), and Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC) applications
• DT for resource management and network optimization
• Connected networking systems for environmental sensing
• DT for precision agriculture, smart city and industry 4.0 applications
• Real-world DT simulations, prototypes, and testbed demonstrations
General Chairs
• Berk Canberk, Edinburgh Napier University, UK (<>)
• Octavia Dobre, Memorial University, Canada (<>) (IEEE Fellow)
• Marco Di Renzo, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CentraleSupélec, Laboratoire des Signaux et Systémes, France (<>) (IEEE Fellow)
Keynote Speaker
• Xianbin Wang, Western University, Canada (<>) (IEEE Fellow))
Industrial Chair
• Gökhan Yurdakul, GM of BTS Group (<>)
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: January 20, 2025 January 31, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: March 10, 2025
Camera Ready: March 31, 2025
The page length limit for all initial submissions for review is SIX (6) printed pages (10-point font) and must be written in English. Initial submissions longer than SIX (6) pages will be rejected without review.
Submission Link:
Best Paper Award
The workshop will feature a Best Paper Award with a cash prize of 800 Dollars, sponsored by BTS Labs (
Yagmur Yigit
PhD Student, Edinburgh Napier University
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[DMANET] Ph.D. Student Position in Algorithms, Social Network Analysis and Fair Machine Learning @ TU Wien
The application deadline for these positions is February 21, 2025. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me under <>.
For more information on this position, see the official job opening:
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[DMANET] PhD position at the University of Salzburg
Computer Science of the University of Salzburg. The position is to be
assigned to the Efficient Algorithms Group, with a focus on parallel and
distributed algorithms. For a description of the research areas of the
Efficient Algorithms Group see
The applicant is expected to have a good understanding for the design
and analysis of algorithms. Experience in the area of distributed and/or
randomized algorithms is a plus.
The gross salary will be at least 2786,10 € per month (14x per year) and
the position is for four years, to start as soon as possible. For
further details see the official posting published at,
reference number GZ A 0002/1-2025 (in German). Any informal inquiry
should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Robert Elsässer, email:
Salzburg is one of the most vibrant and beautiful cities located in the
Austrian Alps. It offers numerous opportunities with a stunning
Interested applicants should send their application consisting of their
CV, a possible list of publications, and the name and email address of
at least one reference to The motivation letter
has to contain the reference number given above. The deadline for
applications is February 19, 2025.
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[DMANET] 4th Caleidoscope research school on computational complexity
4th Research School on Computational Complexity
Complexity as a Kaleidoscope
31 March - 4 April, Marseille, France
We are happy to announce that the 4th edition of Complexity as a Kaleidoscope
research school on computational complexity will take place at the Centre
International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) in Marseille, from Monday
March 31 to Friday April 4, 2025.
The school is intended for PhD students as well as established researchers
who wish to learn more about neighboring areas.
Registration is open!
The number of participants is limited, so we recommend registering as early as possible.
The school will consist of 6 courses, on the following topics:
1. Communication complexity
Amir Yehudayoff, University of Copenhagen & Technion-IIT
2. Metacomplexity
Antonina Kolokolova, Memorial University of Newfoundland
3. Quantum computation and complexity
Richard Kueng, Johannes Kepler University Linz
4. Complexity beyond worst-case analysis
Heiko Röglin, University of Bonn
5. High dimensional expanders
Tali Kaufman, Bar-Ilan University
6. Higher-order complexity
Akitoshi Kawamura, Kyoto University
More information is available from the website:
The registration fee for CIRM is approximately €550 for the week, which includes
lodging and all meals.
As this event is designated as a 'CNRS Thematic School', CNRS employees are exempt
from registration fees. Additionally, travel to the conference site may be covered by their
'Delegation Régionale'.
We also have limited funds available to waive the registration fees for a small number of
participants. If you would like to apply for a fee waiver, please contact us.
Alex Bredariol Grilo, CNRS, Sorbonne Université
Susanna de Rezende, Lund University
Joanna Fijalkow, CNRS, Université de Bordeaux
Sophie Huiberts, CNRS, Université Clermont Auvergne
Sylvain Perifel, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
Thomas Seiller, CNRS, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
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[DMANET] CFP: 1st International Workshop on Web3 Applications and the eVolution of dEcentralized finance (WAVE) 2025 @ IEEE ISCC 2025
of dEcentralized finance (WAVE) 2025 @ IEEE ISCC 2025*
2-5 July 2025, Bologna, Italy
Accepted papers will be published by IEEE and will be available via the
IEEE Xplore.
Motivation and Rationale
Web3 and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) are two key factors of the new
Internet era. They are redefining the landscape of digital
communications and distributed systems, offering new opportunities for
secure, resilient, and scalable applications. The worldwide adoption of
Web3 is reshaping how users experience Internet services by including
concepts such as decentralization, democratization and rewarding in
existing services. The main engine of Web3 is blockchain technology.
However, there are numerous areas where there is room for improvement.
To begin with, most Web3 applications revolve around DeFi, however, the
decentralisation offered by blockchain technology could help plenty of
scenarios. Promising scenarios are supply chains, health, decentralized
storage, data sharing, power grids, virtual worlds (like the Metaverse)
and many more. Additionally, there are other scenarios where Web3 could
have a meaningful impact, including IoT, vehicular networks, cloud and
edge computing, digital identities, intellectual property management,
digital twins, and integration with the physical world. DeFi is still
quite far from perfect. Indeed, fungible and non-fungible assets are
constantly evolving to include more advanced functionalities as so to
increase their adoption. Moreover, DeFi was shown to be susceptible to
malicious activity, including fake NFTs, sleepminting, washtrading, rug
pull, pump and dump, Maximal Extractable Value and other scams. Finding
solutions to foresee and prevent such malevolent practices becomes
crucial for the true adoption of this technology. Lastly, blockchain
technology has some inherent limitations that are still to be addressed,
including creating efficient consensus protocols for public blockchains,
and secure channels for transaction confirmation among others.
The Web3 Applications and the eVolution of dEcentralized finance (WAVE)
workshop analyses the technological challenges and the potential of Web3
and DeFi applications. By bringing together researchers and
practitioners, the workshop aims to attract contributions that can
discuss how these emerging technologies can shape the future of
blockchain, and address the challenges of their adoption. Papers on both
theoretical and design aspects are welcomed, which describe and evaluate
novel design methods and system prototypes. The workshop also welcomes
work-in-progress and position papers.
We welcome submission on a wide range of topics, including but not
limited to:
Web3 Applications and Technologies
Web3 storage decentralization and data sharing
Novel Web3 applications (IoT, networks, cloud computing)
DLTs and Blockchain Technology
Blockchain security and performance
Adoption of blockchain in innovative scenarios
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and similars (e.g. GameFi, SocialFi)
Application of DeFi to novel scenarios
DeFi vulnerability identification and mitigation
New DeFi services
Decentralized Social Networking: analysis and applications
Decentralized Technology for the Metaverse
NFTs analysis and applications
AI for Web3 and DeFi
Privacy, scalability, and governance
Networking and communications for Web3 and DeFi
Solutions for safe online environments
Submissions will be made via EDAS using the following link:
Note that accepted papers of up to 6 pages will be published with no
additional charge. Exceeding pages will be charged an additional fee.
Papers exceeding 7 pages will not be accepted. At least one author of
each accepted paper is required to register to the conference and
present the paper. Only registered and presented papers will be
published in the conference proceedings. Accepted papers will be
included in the ISCC 2025 proceedings and will be submitted for
inclusion to IEEE Xplore. The ISCC proceedings have been indexed in the
past by ISI, DBLP and Scopus. This makes the ISCC conference one of the
publication venues with very high visibility and impact in both Computer
and Communications areas.
Important Dates
Papers submission: [Extended Deadline] February 10, 2025 (AoE, UCT -12)
Notification of acceptance: March 14, 2025
Camera-ready paper due: April 14, 2025
Workshop: July 2-5, 2025 (tbc)
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[DMANET] PhD Position in Theory of Distributed Systems, Paderborn University
offering a fully funded 3-year PhD position on foundations of supervised
distributed computing, a paradigm that aims to combine cloud computing with
peer-to-peer computing to find more flexible, scalable and robust solutions
for distributed computing problems. An extension by 2 more years is possible
and depends on the research achievements. The research is funded by the
German Research Foundation (DFG).
The application deadline is February 21, 2025, and the position is expected
to start around August 2025.
Applicants should have a Master degree in computer science or mathematics or
a related discipline, and an excellent background in math and algorithms.
Please send your application (including a CV, Bachelor and Master
certificates, a summary of your background in math and algorithms, and
references if available) to If there are any questions,
feel free to contact me.
Prof. Dr. Christian Scheideler
Institut für Informatik
Universität Paderborn
Fürstenallee 11
33102 Paderborn, Germany
Phone: +49-5251-606728
Fax: +49-5251-606697
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The 33rd International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2025)
September 24-26, 2025, Norrköping, Sweden
PDF version:
HTML version:
- Abstract submission deadline: June 3
- Paper submission deadline: June 10
- Author notification: July 23
- Poster submission deadline: August 22
- Poster notification: September 1
*Graph Drawing* is concerned with the geometric representation of graphs and constitutes the algorithmic core of *Network Visualization*. Graph Drawing and Network Visualization are motivated by applications for which it is crucial to visually analyze and interact with relational datasets. Application areas include data science, social sciences, web computing, information systems, life sciences, geography, business intelligence, information security, and software engineering.
Graph Drawing has been the main annual conference in this area for more than 30 years. Its focus is on combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of graph drawing, their experimental evaluation, as well as the design of network visualization systems and interfaces. Researchers and practitioners working on any aspects of graph drawing and network visualization are invited to contribute papers and posters and to participate in the symposium as well as the graph drawing contest.
GD 2025 will be held in Norrköping, Sweden, on September 24-26, 2025 with a reception on the evening of September 23. A preconference PhD school will take place September 22-23, 2025. GD 2025 is designed to be held on-site. It is expected that regular papers are presented on site by one of the authors. To address the global challenges and as an offer for authors who are unable to attend we allow for a limited number of remote presentations, as further explained below.
The code of conduct for the GD conference can be found at
We invite authors to submit papers describing original research of theoretical or practical significance to graph drawing and network visualization. To promote a balanced coverage of the field, GD has two distinct tracks, and papers submitted to one track will not compete with papers submitted to the other track. Regular papers must be submitted explicitly to one of the two tracks. However, all program committee members may review papers from either track.
*TRACK 1:* Combinatorial and algorithmic aspects
This track is mainly devoted to *fundamental theoretical graph drawing advances*, such as combinatorial and algorithmic aspects. We aim at covering a diverse set of topics, which for this track includes (but is not limited to):
• Design and analysis of graph drawing algorithms
• Geometric and topological graph theory
• Computational topology of graphs on surfaces
• Graph representations
• Geometric advances and computing in graph drawing
• Combinatorics and optimization in graph drawing
*TRACK2 :* Experimental, applied, and network visualization aspects
This track is mainly devoted to the *practical aspects of graph drawing*, such as experimental evaluations of graph drawing related algorithms, the development and/or evaluation of related libraries and tools, or systems and interfaces in different application areas. We aim at covering a diverse set of topics, which for this track includes (but is not limited to):
• Engineering of graph drawing algorithms and network visualization systems
• Interfaces, methods, and high-quality tools for interacting with graphs and networks
• Benchmarks and experimental studies in the context of graph drawing and network visualization
• Cognitive studies on network visualization aesthetics and user interaction
• Visualization of networks in real world applications
• Machine learning methods in graph drawing & network visualization
• Graph drawing & network visualization for AI explainability
Authors of accepted papers in this track are encouraged to show a demo of their software/system during the poster session.
In addition to the above two tracks, there will be a separate track for short papers. Here we welcome smaller and less elaborate contributions on relevant topics. Papers in this category will be assigned a shorter time for presentation during the conference.
For authors who cannot present their paper in person we offer the possibility for remote presentation, which must be declared at submission time. Authors of accepted papers in this category have to register for the conference. Papers in this category are evaluated and selected by the program committee by applying the same high standards as for the other tracks. In addition, the authors have to submit a recording of their presentation two weeks after the submission of the paper. The remote submission chair can influence the score of papers in this track based on the quality of the recorded talk and even reject submissions if the quality of the recorded talk is inappropriate. There is a limit of six remote presentations.
Submissions of posters on graph drawing, network visualization, and related areas are solicited. The poster session will provide a forum for the communication of late-breaking research results (which may also appear elsewhere) to the GD community. Authors of posters should prepare an abstract that must be submitted together with the poster itself. Each submission will thus consist of two pdf files (the abstract and the poster).
Details about the traditional *Graph Drawing Contest*, which is held at the conference, are provided at the website <>.
Results that have been previously published (or are scheduled for publication) in another conference proceedings or journal, as well as simultaneous submissions of results to other conferences with published proceedings or journals are not permitted, except for poster submissions. With the exception of remote presentations, each paper or poster must be presented at the conference by an author, otherwise the paper can be excluded from publication in the proceedings.
ChatGPT and similar large language models may be used to improve the paper's language, but its use should be mentioned as a footnote and the authors remain responsible for the full paper. In particular, the unattributed use of any such tools in the creation of the paper's scientific content is forbidden.
The proceedings will be published in the LIPIcs <> series. To facilitate the process, submissions have to be prepared in accordance with the LIPIcs author instructions <>, the page provides links to the LIPIcs class file along with an example and detailed author instructions. For the submission, the use of the LaTeX class file gd-lipics-v2.cls <> is requested. The class file is a wrapper around the standard LIPIcs class and implements line counting, see CG-linecount.pdf <> for details. Submissions must not exceed the following limits:
• 500 lines for full papers,
• 225 lines for short papers,
• 80 lines for posters' abstracts.
The above limits do not include front matter (title, authors, and affiliations), references, or appendices. The class files provide line counting which should be accurate in most cases. Authors should avoid substantial amounts of text in unnumbered lines.
In addition, the main content of the paper must not exceed the following page limits excluding references:
• 15 pages for long papers,
• 7 pages for short papers,
• 3 pages posters' abstracts.
The claims of full and short papers should be fully substantiated. If this information does not fit within the line limit, the authors should include it in a clearly marked appendix, whose length is not constrained and which the reviewers may read at their own discretion. For poster submissions, no appendix is expected.
We also encourage authors to avoid "et al." in citations in favor of an equal mention of the surnames of all authors. For references with few authors, it is recommended to name all of them; if the number of authors is large, consider writing "(It is shown that) X [#]" or "The authors in [#] show that X" instead of "A et al. [#] show that X".
Papers should be submitted electronically via Easychair <>. The proceedings will be published in the *Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)* series and are available open access. Selected papers from Track 1 and Track 2 will be invited for submission to a special issue of the *Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (JGAA)*. The authors of two selected papers in Track 2 will be invited to submit a substantially extended and enhanced version of their work to *IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)*. A special TVCG papers session at the Graph Drawing conference will also feature regular TVCG papers. Further details can be found at
The review process of regular and short papers will be handled in a lightweight double-blind mode. This means that authors are not allowed to reveal their identity in the submitted paper, but are free to disseminate draft versions of the paper prior to the conference and to give talks on the topic as they normally would. In particular, the submitted paper should not contain the authors' names, affiliations, and email addresses. References to their own related work are allowed, as long as the supporting text maintains anonymity (e.g., using sentences in the third person). Members of the Program Committee will not have the identity of the authors of any paper revealed to them during the entire review process. To handle conflicts of interest effectively, authors will be required to declare conflicts of interest with PC members when they submit their paper.
Poster submissions will be evaluated by the Program Committee in a single-blind mode. In particular, the submitted abstract should contain the authors' names, affiliations, and email addresses.
For each of the two tracks, the Program Committee of GD 2025 will bestow a Best Paper Award. In addition, to recognize the effort of participants to present their work and to prepare their posters in a clear and elegant way, there will be a Best Presentation Award and a Best Poster Award voted on by the GD 2025 attendees.
Andreas Kerren, Linköping University, Sweden (general co-chair)
Kostiantyn Kucher, Linköping University, Sweden (general co-chair)
Claudio Linhares, Linnaeus University, Sweden (PhD school chair)
Nico Reski, Linköping University, Sweden (Decision Arena chair)
Zeyang Huang, Linköping University, Sweden (web chair)
Alessio Arleo, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
Michael Bekos, University of Ioannina, Greece
Markus Chimani, University of Osnabrück, Germany
Éric Colin de Verdière, CNRS, LIGM, Marne-la-Vallée, France
Giordano Da Lozzo, Roma Tre University, Italy
Sara Di Bartolomeo, TU Wien, Austria
Vida Dujmovic, University of Ottawa, Canada (program co-chair)
Henry Förster, TU Munich, Germany
Fabrizio Frati, Roma Tre University, Italy
Robert Ganian, TU Wien, Austria
Daniel Gonçalves, CNRS & University of Montpellier, France
Siddharth Gupta, BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus, India
Thekla Hamm, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
Takayuki Itoh, Ochanomizu University, Japan
Philipp Kindermann, Trier University, Germany
Stephen Kobourov, TU Munich, Germany
Kostiantyn Kucher, Linköping University, Sweden
Silvia Miksch, TU Wien, Austria
Fabrizio Montecchiani, University of Perugia, Italy (program co-chair)
Pat Morin, Carleton University, Canada
Tamara Mchedlidze, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Giacomo Ortali, University of Perugia, Italy
Sergey Pupyrev, Meta, USA
Marcus Schaefer, DePaul University, USA
Raphael Steiner, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Andrew Suk, University of California San Diego, USA
Antonios Symvonis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Csaba D. Tóth, CSU Northridge, USA
Torsten Ueckerdt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Pavel Valtr, Charles University, Czech Republic
Tatiana von Landesberger, University of Cologne, Germany
Meirav Zehavi, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Sara Di Bartolomeo, University of Konstanz, Germany
Fabian Klute, UPC Barcelona, Spain (chair)
Debajyoti Mondal, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Jules Wulms, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
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Tuesday, January 28, 2025
[DMANET] SIAM Conference on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms (ACDA25) - extended deadline
SIAM Conference on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms (ACDA25)
Montréal, Québec, Canada, July 30-August 1, 2025
*** Extended deadlines: ***
Short abstract and paper/talk registration: Feb. 10, 2025
Final paper/ extended abstract submission: Feb. 17, 2025
ACDA25 brings together researchers who design and study combinatorial and graph algorithms motivated by applications. ACDA25 is organized by SIAM under the auspices of its Activity Group on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms. ACDA25 includes in its scope all topics where models and algorithms from discrete mathematics are applied to solve problems in computer science, scientific computing, data science, physical sciences, life sciences, engineering, social and information sciences, etc. ACDA25 invites papers on the formulation of combinatorial problems from applications; theoretical analyses; design of algorithms; computational evaluation of the algorithms; and deployment of the resulting software to enable applications.
The ACDA25 conference will include refereed proceedings as well as talks without proceedings papers (in the conventional SIAM style of conferences), posters, tutorials, invited talks, and industry sessions. Awards will be given for best paper, best poster, and best student presentation.
TOPICS OF INTEREST include but are not limited to discrete or combinatorial problems and algorithms arising in:
- Algorithm engineering
- Algorithmic differentiation (AD)
- Combinatorial optimization and mathematical programming, including scheduling and resource allocation problems
- Combinatorial scientific computing (CSC) including models, algorithms, applications, numerical methods, and problems arising in data analysis
- Computational biology and bioinformatics
- Data management and data science
- Design and analysis of application-inspired exact, approximation, randomized, streaming, and learning-augmented algorithms
- Graph and hypergraph algorithms, including problems arising in network science and complex networks
- Interaction between algorithms and modern computing platforms, including challenges arising from memory hierarchies, accelerators, and novel memory technologies
- Machine learning and statistical methods for solving combinatorial problems
- Numerical linear algebra, including sparse matrix computations and randomized approaches
- Parallel and distributed computing, including algorithms, architectures, distributed systems, and all parallelism ranging from instruction-level and multi-core all the way to clouds and Exascale computing
- Other applications arising from security, computational finance, computational chemistry/physics, quantum computing, etc.
For details on how to submit, see the webpage of the conference at
- Abstracts and submission registration (proceeding papers and extended abstracts): Feburary 10, 2025
- Archival proceeding papers and non-archival extended abstracts: February 17, 2025
- Author notifications for archival proceeding papers and non-archival extended abstracts: March 24, 2025
- Submissions of posters: March 31, 2025
- Notification of poster submissions: April 14, 2025
- Camera ready submissions: April 22, 2025
- Conference: July 30-August 1, 2025
Martin Farach-Colton - New York University, U.S.
Bora Ucar - ENS-Lyon, France
Alex Conway - Cornell University, U.S.
Alex Pothen - Purdue University, U.S.
Haim Avron - Tel Aviv University, Israel
Ariful Azad - Texas A&M, U.S.
Rob Bisseling - Utrecht University, Netherlands
Martin Buecker - University of Jena, Germany
David Coudert - INRIA, France
Laxman Dhulipala - University of Maryland, U.S.
S M Ferdous - Pacific Northwest National Lab, U.S.
Inge Li Gørtz - Technical University, Denmark
Oded Green - NVIDIA Corporation, U.S.
Rajesh Jayaram - Google Research, U.S.
Kamer Kaya - Sabanci University, Turkey
Johannes Langguth - Simula Corporation, Norway
Zsuzsanna Lipták - University of Verona, Italy
Kamesh Madduri - Penn State University, U.S.
Samuel McCauley - Williams College, U.S
Henning Meyerhenke - Humboldt University, Germany
Sri Hari Krishna Narayanan - Argonne National Lab, U.S.
Uwe Naumann - RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Stefan Neumann - KTH, Sweden
Prashant Pandey - Northeastern University, U.S.
Cynthia Phillips - Sandia National Lab, U.S.
Simon Puglisi - University of Helsinki, Finland
Olaf Schenk - Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
Christiane Schmidt - Linkoping University, Sweden
Christian Schulz - Heidelberg University, U.S.
Gregory Schwartzman - Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Maria Serna - UPC Barcelona, Spain
George Slota - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, U.S.
Yihan Sun - University of California, Riverside, U.S.
David Tench - Lawrence Berkeley Lab, U.S.
Sharma Thankachen - North Carolina State University, U.S.
Sivan Toledo - Tel Aviv University, Israel
Miroslav Tuma - Charles University, Czechia
Ali Vakilian - Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, U.S.
Nate Veldt - Texas A&M, U.S.
Anil Vullikanti - University of Virginia, U.S.
Maria Blesa - Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Erik Boman - Sandia National Labs, U.S.
John Gilbert - University of California Santa Barbara, U.S.
Kathrin Hanauer - University of Vienna, Austria
Illya Hicks - Rice University, U.S.
Vahab Mirrokni - Google, U.S.
Sabine Storandt - University of Konstanz, Germany
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[DMANET] Call for Papers - IJTCS-FAW 2025 - Submission deadline extended to February 14, 2025
Dear colleagues,
The International Joint Conference on Theoretical Computer Science – Frontier of Algorithmic Wisdom (IJTCS-FAW 2025) will be held on Monday June 30 to Wednesday July 2, 2025, hosted by Sorbonne University, Paris, France. We aim to provide a platform for advancing theoretical computer science and promoting the exchange of knowledge and ideas. It is the 6th IJTCS and 19th FAW.
IJTCS-FAW 2024 is calling for papers concerning any branch of theoretical computer science, together with focus tracks in Algorithm and Complexity, Algorithmic Game Theory, Automata Theory and Formal Languages, Blockchain, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Computational Geometry, Formal Methods and Verification, Graph Theory and Algorithms, Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning, Network Economics, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Quantum Computation, Theoretical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence, Theory of Machine Learning.
Conference website:
# Important dates
- Submission deadline: extended 14 February 2025 (anywhere on earth)
- Notification: 20 March 2025
- Full version: 20 April 2025
- Conference dates: Monday June 30 to Wednesday July 2 (noon)
# Student Travel Grants *new*
To promote participation of students, CCF (China Computer Federation) offers several student travel grants.
# Submission
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of no more than 12 pages, excluding references and the front page(s) (authors, affiliation, keywords, abstract, ...), presenting original research on the theory of computer science. Technical details necessary for a proper scientific evaluation of a submission must be included in the 12-page submission or in a clearly labelled appendix, to be consulted at the discretion of program committee members. Authors are encouraged to also make full versions of their submissions freely accessible in an online repository such as ArXiv.
Submissions must be formatted in the [LNCS style]( All submission must be submitted via EasyChair using the following link:
The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, and will be available for distribution at the conference. The use of pdflatex and the LNCS style is mandatory: papers that deviate significantly from the required format may be rejected without consideration of merit. No prior publication and no simultaneous submission to other conferences are allowed.
Papers will be reviewed according to the following tracks that includes
# Track A: the 19th Conference on Frontiers of Algorithmic Wisdom
This track focuses on current trends of research on algorithms, discrete
structures, and their applications. Typical but not exclusive topics of
interest are:
- Algorithms and data structures
- Approximation algorithms and online algorithms
- Bioinformatics
- Combinatorial optimization
- Combinatorics and discrete structures related to algorithms and complexity
- Complexity theory
- Computational Geometry
- Graph algorithms and theory
- Internet algorithms and protocols
- Large graph algorithms and social network analysis
- Learning based algorithms
- Optimization algorithms in economic and operations research
- Parameterized algorithms
# Track B: Block-chain, distributed computing
This track focuses on original studies on blockchains, cryptocurrencies
and distributed financial markets. Papers may report the most recent
developments on the theory, design, implementation, and analysis of
blockchain infrastructure, economics, security, performance,
interoperability, and other topics related to blockchains and
distributed ledgers at large. Typical but not exclusive topics of
interest are:
- Consensus protocols and scalability
- Smart contracts: design, analysis, security, attacks
- Distributed storage
- Automated market makers and exchanges
- Mechanism design for blockchains
- Equilibrium and game theoretic analysis for blockchains
- Transaction fees and tokenomics
- Network formation games, network structure and performance studies
- Mean field games, stochastic games, evolutionary games in blockchains
- Financial markets
- Information elicitation and oracles
- Token bridges and cross-chain solutions
- Security on blockchains: threat models, attacks, and solutions
- Privacy and anonymity, privacy-oriented computation
- Quantum-resilient cryptography and its applications in blockchains and
financial markets
# Track C: Game theory, algorithmic game theory, machine learning,
electronic commerce
Typical but not exclusive topics of interest are:
- Algorithmic Mechanism Design
- Auction Design and Analysis
- Complexity Classes in Game Theory
- Computational Aspects of Equilibria
- Computational Aspects of Fixed-Point Theorems
- Computational Social Choice
- Computing with Incentives
- Cost-Sharing Algorithms and Analysis
- Decision Theory, and Pricing
- Economic Aspects of Distributed Computing
- Efficiency of Equilibria and Price of Anarchy
- Graph-Theoretic Aspects of Social Networks
- Internet Economics and Computational Advertising
- Repeated Games and Convergence of Dynamics
- Reputation, Recommendation, and Trust Systems
- Solution Concepts in Game Theory
# Committees
- Conference Chair
- John E. Hopcroft, Cornell University
- Huimin Lin, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- General Chair
- Li Hao, LISN University Paris Saclay
- Program Committee Chairs
- Christoph Dürr, LIP6 Sorbonne University
- Minming Li, City University of Hong Kong
- Pinyan Lu, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
- Track A chair: the 19th Conference on Frontiers of Algorithmic Wisdom
- Thomas Erlebach, Durham University
- Jialin Zhang, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Science
- Track B chairs: block-chain, distributed computing
- Maria Potob-Butucaru, Sorbonne Univeristy
- Jiasun Li, George Mason University
- Track C chair: game theory, algorithmic game theory, machine learning, electronic commerce
- Vianney Perchet, ENSAE Paris
- Johanne Cohen, LISN University Paris Saclay
- Yukun Cheng, Jiangnan University
- Local Organization
- Evripidis Bampis
- Vincent Chau
- Christoph Dürr
# Special Issue
After the conference, selected papers will be invited to special issues in: Theoretical Computer Science, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Theory of Computing Systems, and Blockchain.
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