starting 1 October 2025 (exact starting date negotiable).
The successful candidate will be part of the Discrete Mathematics group led
by Prof. Dr. Stefan Glock.
The position is initially for two years, with the option of renewal, and is
remunerated in accordance with pay grade 13 of the German public-sector
collective agreement TV-L (this amounts to a gross salary of at least
4000euros/month). The position will be part of the Emmy Noether junior
research group "Structure and randomness in extremal combinatorics".
The ideal candidate has a strong background in discrete mathematics, in
particular in extremal and probabilistic combinatorics. Knowledge of the
German language is not required.
If you have any further questions about this position, please contact Stefan
Glock by e-mail (
To apply, please e-mail your full application attached in a single pdf file
to Stefan Glock ( by no later than 26 January
Your application should contain:
. cover letter
. CV
. list of publications (not mandatory for PhD applicants)
. research statement
. certificates and transcripts
. name, affiliation and email address of up to three references.
The official advertisement (in German language) may be found here:
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