Tuesday, April 8, 2014

[DMANET] Postdoctoral position - UWA (Perth, Australia)

I am seeking a research associate (aka postdoc) who should ideally be someone just completed or with a few years post-PhD research expereience.

The project is studying the real chromatic roots of graphs and matroids, so experience with

- graph polynomials (Tutte, chromatic etc), and/or partition function of the q-state Potts model
- the roots of these polynomials, basic complex analysis
- relationship between graphs and matroids, role of minor-closed classes etc

would be well-received.

Details of rhe application procedure can be found here:


Starting date is flexible, and depends on availability of candidate, but sometime in 2014 would be best.

Professor Gordon Royle
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Western Australia

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