Wednesday, April 16, 2014

One Postdoc Research Fellow Position on Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems


A Postdoctoral Research Fellow position is available on security and cyber-physical systems, funded by a research project led by Dr. Sun Jun from Singapore University of Technology and Design. The goal of this project is to develop novel automated techniques for analyzing security properties of cyber-physical systems.

To apply you must hold a degree in the areas of Computer Science, or a related discipline, and a PhD in a relevant research area (which includes program analysis, security, cyber-physical system analysis, formal verification, model checking, formal methods, testing, etc.). Candidates are expected to have high-quality publications in peer-reviewed conferences and journals. The postdoc will be supervised by Dr. Sun Jun and will be working closely with his existing research fellows/assistants as well as PhD students.

The Singapore University of Technology and Design's (SUTD) is set up in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and represents MIT's most significant collaboration on education to date. SUTD takes pride in creating a unique system of education that includes cohort based instruction, novel pedagogy, and emphasis on design throughout its multidisciplinary curriculum. This research project is supported by a research center on cyber-physical systems in SUTD. Also of the research center are multiple mock up systems of real-world cyber-physical systems. Researchers supported by the center are encouraged to apply their research approaches/results on these real systems.

This postdoc position is available for up to 4 years. The salary ranges from SGD 60K to 80K per year with attractive package. 

Informal inquiries are encouraged and should be directed to:

Dr Sun Jun (