Wednesday, February 14, 2018

[DMANET] Assistant professor position in computer science and health data science [Mines?==?utf-8?q? St-Etienne]

Dear colleagues,
An assistant professeur position in computer science and health data science is available at Mines Saint-Étienne (France). Candidates must be nationals of a country of the European Union. The position is assigned to the Center for Health-Care Engineering (CIS) and LIMOS UMR CNRS 6158 laboratory. For further information, please contact: Stéphane AVRIL (, +33(0)477420188, head of the CIS lab) and Xiaolan XIE (, +33(0)477426695, head of the I4S department).
Research: the candidate will integrate the new research theme "Health Data" to strengthen skills of the team in medical data analysis: analysis and data mining, process mining, machine learning, and help with medical decision support.

Teaching: the candidate will teach courses for undergrad students ("Ingénieur Civil des Mines" in French), in the Master of Biomedical Engineering, the Master Research in Industrial Engineering in English. The candidate must be able to cover a fairly wide spectrum among the teachings of health data modeling, machine learning, medical decision support, bio-statistics.
Health Data in Mines Saint-Etienne

Mines Saint-Etienne is an engineering school of the Institut Mines Télécom under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The Center for Health-Care Engineering (CIS), one of the 5 training and research centers of the school, brings together professors in industrial engineering / computer science, biomechanics, and in process engineering around health applications: biotechnologies, tissue engineering, e-health, computer assisted surgery, medicine and personalized patient clinical pathway...
The I4S department of the CIS is a research team dedicated to the study of health-care systems and services. The faculty members of this department are members of the Laboratory of Computer Science, Modeling and Optimization of Systems (LIMOS, UMR CNRS 6158). I4S has been working for more than 10 years to provide innovative solutions in industrial engineering and operational research to improve care processes and health services. Thanks to the efforts of its members, I4S has strong partnerships with many hospitals (CLB, ARS-Ile de France, HCL, CHUSE, ...), companies (HEVA, LOMACO, EOVI, CETAF, ...) and has an international mirror team in Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
I4S starts a new research line focused on health data to answer an extraordinary dynamic of industrial demands. Many scientific fields are linked to this axis: (i) analysis and extraction of data / process mining, (ii) machine learning, (iii) medical decision support. I4S aims to combine the fields related to data, learning and support to medical decision in order to create an innovative research
to answer important research questions in health: prediction of care pathways, impact of new technologies on a clinical pathway, taking advantage of big data in health in medical decision support.
Best regards,

Garaix ThierryMines Saint-Étienne
Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering
158 cours Fauriel
42023 Saint-Etienne cedex 2, France
Phone : +33 4 77 42 66 41
Fax : +33 4 77 42 02 49

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