Tuesday, February 27, 2018

[DMANET] Full professor position in data sience / artificial intelligence

Telecom SudParis announces the opening of a full-time faculty position at the level of full professor. Qualified candidates must have an outstanding research record in the field of Data Analytics and/or Artificial Intelligence. The selected person will develop research and teaching activities in this domain, will collaborate with existing research groups of the CNRS lab Samovar, and will be active in fundraising for industrial and governmental projects. He/she will be involved in the graduate level courses of the future university « New Uni », which will bring together Ecole Polytechnique, Ensta, Ensae, Telecom Paristech, and Telecom Sudparis.

The desired candidate should have an outstanding methodological knowledge in data science or/and Artificial Intelligence; in particular, a recognized expertise in one of the following fields

- Machine Learning – statistical learning;

- Deep learning for analyzing 2D and 3D multimedia contents;

- Artificial intelligence, automated reasoning and symbolic computation;

- Data analytics for networks (internet of things, security, etc.)

Candidate applications should include a cover letter, vitae or resume, and at least 2 reference letters. Applications should be sent to

recrutements@tem-tsp.eu no later than March 16th.

All additional information can be obtained from Prof. Walid BEN-AMEUR, Director of the CNRS Las Samovar (walid.benameur@telecom-sudparis.eu).

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