Monday, December 2, 2019

[DMANET] IWOCA 2020 - 1st Call for Papers


                     *** First Call for Papers ***

                              IWOCA 2020

                    31st International Workshop on
                       Combinatorial Algorithms

                            8-10 June 2020
                           Bordeaux, France



 Authors are invited to submit original research papers in the broad
area of
 combinatorial algorithms.


 Paper submission:           25 January 2020 (AoE)
 Notification to authors:    9 March 2020
 Camera-ready submission:    25 March 2020
 Symposium:                  8-10 June 2020


 Since its inception in 1989 as AWOCA (Australasian Workshop on
 Algorithms), IWOCA has provided an annual forum for researchers who
design algorithms
 for the myriad combinatorial problems that underlie computer
applications in science,
 engineering and business. Previous IWOCA and AWOCA meetings have been
held in Australia,
 Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, India, Indonesia, Italy,
Japan, Singapore,
 South Korea, UK, and USA. Previous IWOCAs can be found at

 IWOCA 2020 will take place in Bordeaux, France. Bordeaux is located in
the South West of
 France and is easy to reach by plane and by fast train (TGV). The
region is famous for
 its wines and its gastronomy. The city centre of Bordeaux is
classified at the Unesco
 World Heritage.


 The program committee is soliciting original and significant research
 to the broad area of combinatorial algorithms, including (but not
limited to):

 - Algorithms and Data Structures
 - Complexity Theory
 - Graph Theory & Combinatorics
 - Combinatorial Optimization
 - Cryptography & Information Security
 - Algorithms on Strings & Graphs
 - Graph Drawing & Labelling
 - Computational Algebra & Geometry
 - Computational Biology
 - Algorithms for Big Data and Networks Analytics
 - Probabilistic & Randomised Algorithms
 - New Paradigms of Computation
 - Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms
 - Distributed and Parallel Algorithms
 - Mobile Agents
 - Algorithmic Game Theory
 - Circuits and Boolean Functions
 - Approximation Algorithms
 - Parameterized and Exact Algorithms
 - Online Algorithms
 - Streaming Algorithms
 - Ad Hoc, Dynamic and Evolving Networks
 - Foundations of Cloud Computing


 Conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the "Lecture
 in Computer Science" series.


 Selected papers will be invited to a special issue of one of the main
 in the area of theoretical computer science (TBD), devoted to IWOCA 2020.


 Awards will be given to the best paper and the best student paper. To be
 eligible for the best student paper award, at least one of the paper
 must be a full-time student at the time of submission, and the student(s)
 must have made a significant contribution to the paper. The program
 may decline to make these awards or may split them.


 Authors are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts reporting original
 unpublished research in the topics related to the symposium. Simultaneous
 submission to other conferences or workshops with published proceedings
 is not allowed. It is required that each accepted paper be presented at
 the conference by one of its authors.

 Submissions must not exceed 12 pages formatted according to LNCS
 style plus an optional, clearly marked appendix of reasonable length
 (to be read at the program committee's discretion). The first page
 must include an indication of whether the paper is eligible for the
 best student paper award.

 The submission system can be accessed via


 Amihood Amir                 (Bar Ilan University, Israel)
 Petra Berenbrink             (University of Hamburg, Germany)
 Hans L. Bodlaender           (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
 Hans-Joachim Böckenhauer     (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
 Marthe Bonamy                (CNRS and University of Bordeaux, France)
 Arnaud Casteigts             (University of Bordeaux, France)
 Marek Chrobak                (University of California, Riverside, USA)
 Charles Colbourn             (Arizona State University, USA)
 Anne Driemel                 (University of Bonn, Germany)
 Leah Epstein                 (University of Haifa, Israel)
 Thomas Erlebach              (University of Leicester, UK)
 Paola Flocchini              (University of Ottawa, Canada
 Florent Foucaud              (University of Bordeaux, France
 Pierre Fraigniaud            (CNRS and University Paris Diderot, France)
 Luisa Gargano                (University of Salerno, Italy)
 Leszek Gąsieniec (co-Chair)  (University of Liverpool, UK)
 Juraj Hromkovič              (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
 Sun-Yuan Hsieh               (National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,
 Ling-Ju Hung                 (National Taipei University of Business,
Taipei, Taiwan)
 Ralf Klasing (co-Chair)      (CNRS and University of Bordeaux, France)
 Tomasz Kociumaka             (University of Warsaw, Poland)
 Dennis Komm                  (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
 Rastislav Královič           (Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia)
 Thierry Lecroq               (University of Rouen, France)
 Dimitrios Letsios            (King's College London, UK)
 Andrea Marino                (University of Florence, Italy)
 Tobias Mömke                 (Saarland University, Germany)
 Xavier Muñoz                 (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
 Ian Munro                    (University of Waterloo, Canada)
 Rolf Niedermeier             (Technical University of Berlin, Germany)
 Aris Pagourtzis              (National Technical University of Athens,
 Marina Papatriantafilou      (Chalmers University of Technology,
Gothenburg, Sweden)
 Tomasz Radzik (co-Chair)     (King's College London, UK)
 Sohel Rahman                 (Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
 Peter Rossmanith             (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
 Joe Ryan                     (University of Newcastle, Australia)
 Alex Schwarzmann             (Augusta University, USA)
 Bill Smyth                   (McMaster University, Canada; Murdoch
University, Australia; King's College London, UK)
 Paul Spirakis                (University of Liverpool, UK)
 Walter Unger                 (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
 Przemyslaw Uznański          (University of Wrocław, Poland)
 Yukiko Yamauchi              (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)


 Maria Chudnovsky             (Princeton University, USA)
 Charles Colbourn             (Arizona State University, USA)
 Costas Iliopoulos            (King's College London, UK)
 Bill Smyth                   (McMaster University, Canada; Murdoch
University, Australia; King's College London, UK)


 Arnaud Casteigts             (University of Bordeaux, France)
 Auriane Dantes               (University of Bordeaux, France)
 Florent Foucaud (co-Chair)   (University of Bordeaux, France)
 Isabelle Garcia              (University of Bordeaux, France)
 Shih-Shun Kao                (University of Bordeaux, France; National
Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
 Ralf Klasing (co-Chair)      (CNRS and University of Bordeaux, France)
 Alessia Milani               (Bordeaux INP, France)
 Jason Schoeters              (University of Bordeaux, France)


 For further information, please send an e-mail to

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