Monday, December 2, 2019

[DMANET] WG2020 fist call for papers

Call for papers

46th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science

The WG 2020 conference is the 46th edition of the WG series. The conference
will take place at Weetwood Hall in Leeds (West Yorkshire) in England from
Wednesday 24 June to Friday 26 June 2020. Participants are expected to arrive
at Weetwood on Tuesday 23 June to join the welcome reception in the evening.

Important Dates

Submission of papers: 2 March 2020
Acceptance notification: 27 April 2020
Conference: 24-26 June 2020
Final version: July 15, 2020
Web page:

Aims and Scope

WG conferences aim to connect theory and applications by demonstrating how
graph-theoretic concepts can be applied in various areas of computer
science. The goal is to present recent results and to identify and explore
directions for future research. Submitted papers should describe original
results in any aspects of graph theory related to computer science, including
but not restricted to:
:: design and analysis of sequential, parallel, randomized, parameterized,
and distributed graph and network algorithms,
:: structural graph theory with algorithmic or complexity applications,
:: computational complexity of graph and network problems,
:: graph grammars, graph rewriting systems and graph modelling,
:: graph drawing and layouts,
:: computational geometry,
:: computational biology,
:: random graphs and models of the web and scale-free networks, and
:: support of these concepts by suitable implementations and applications.

Submissions and Proceedings

Contributors are invited to submit an extended abstract of at most 12 pages
Springer LNCS format including title, abstract, and references, without
changes to the settings of margins and vertical spacing, and with numbered
pages. To submissions with more than one page of references a bound of 11
LNCS-pages applies, including title and abstract, but excluding references.
Proofs omitted due to space restrictions must be placed in an appendix, to be
read by program committee members at their discretion. Simultaneous submission
of papers to any other conference with proceedings published or made publicly
available, or submitting papers previously accepted for journal publication is
not allowed. Accepted contributions will be published in the conference
proceedings in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series of
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