Monday, February 22, 2021

[DMANET] 3 free talks for PhD students

3 free talks for PhD students

Please share both around your departments and on social media ;)

23 FEB Preparing for your PhD Viva

OUTLINE: The talk will have the following parts

[5 min open questions while people log on]

1/ the mechanics on day of the viva. People, Process, Atmosphere, Outcome &

2/ communication in the viva. Dealing with Questions, explaining

3/ tips and common mistakes.

4/ questions and feedback – and where to go for more help.

You should leave this seminar feeling comfortable about what you will
expect in a viva, and confident that you should be able to pass.

2 MAR A Guide to Maths Notation

A guide to writing mathematical notation

Writing mathematics does not come naturally to most people. However when
you are engaging in technical material need to be able to read and write in
a formal notation. In this talk we will look at some simple example of
common mathematical notation. We will not have not time to cover all
notation. The relationship between mathematical notation and computer
program will be considered. We will compare and contrast some examples. The
aim of this talk is to give the audience more confident when faced with
reading and writing mathematical notation.

9 MAR How to write

When I was a PhD student, I loved research but hated writing about it.
Since then I have attended numerous courses on writing and come to love it.
I will pass on the tips and tricks I have learnt over the years. It will
also be an opportunity to hear any other views too. This talk is aimed at
PhD students, especially those who are "stuck in a rut", have writer's
block, or are *procrastinating*.

Here are some comments about the writing seminar

Highly recommended for everyone who needs to do academic writing, it
covered many mistakes I make myself.

I wish I'd have heard some of this advice a long time ago when doing my PhD!

Very useful, and this made me laugh.

I found this session really helpful. I applied the technique of writing my
third year project proposal by first getting everything down on paper, and
then going forward, removing bits, and then sorting out punctuation. I also
used the technique of going into finer detail at Facebook

"I liked how the talk provided a pathway from a pile of disorganised
scribbled notes to a finished paper, via techniques with Powerpoint and
Post-It notes, showing us how to organise our thoughts and ideas into a

In general, with many of your talks, I really like how you think and lead
in with examples, and build up the ideas you're presenting with simple
intuitions, stories, anecdotes, and thought experiments."

"It took me years to arrive at some of the conclusions addressed in this
tutorial. This kind of advice is great for those starting research academic

"An excellent seminar that has given explanations and solutions to my
writing issues"

----thank you,

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