Saturday, February 20, 2021

[DMANET] Postdoc/PhD positions at TU Kaiserslautern and MPI for Software Systems in Computational Logic

We are looking for postdoctoral researchers and research assistants at the
level to work on computational logic and/or automata theory jointly at
Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern and Max-Planck Institute for Software
Systems (MPI-SWS), which are located in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Research
assistants at the PhD level will be funded for a standard duration of a PhD
study at TUK (between 3-4 years). Postdoc researchers will initially be
funded for two years with a possibility of extension of up to four years.
The expected starting date is as soon as possible (not later than September
2021, but this is negotiable).

Successful applicants will help drive our effort in developing theories
and/or implementations of logic and automata-theoretic toolbox. This could
include, for example, the development of a string constraint solver (see, as well as applying them to
several domains including web security, personalized online education,
program repair, and verification of parameterized systems. Other possible
topics could include the development of techniques for evaluating
path-based queries over graph databases.

Ideally, applicants should have strong backgrounds in computer science (or
related areas like mathematics) with experience in at least two of the
following areas: logic, algorithms, programming language
theory/implementation, formal
language theory, concurrency theory, database theory, and formal

Research environment: successful applicants will work within the Automated
Reasoning Research Group at both TU Kaiserslautern and MPI-SWS led by Prof.
Anthony W. Lin ( They will be co-supervised
by Prof. Rupak Majumdar, and have the opportunity to collaborate with Dr.
Georg Zetzsche. The group enjoys close collaborations with colleagues in
the UK (Oxford, Edinburgh, Birmingham, and London), Sweden (Uppsala),
Taiwan (Taipei), China (Beijing), Australia (Melbourne, Canberra),
Singapore, and Chile (Santiago).

For informal enquiries, please contact Prof. Anthony Lin (

To apply, please send a CV and a research statement in an email to Mrs.
Stengel (

Early applications deadline is noon CEST 21 March 2021. Depending on the
remaining positions available, further applications may still be considered.

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