Tuesday, October 15, 2024

[DMANET] Hausdorff Center for Mathematics: Postdoctoral Positions in Bonn

The Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) at Bonn University offers
several Postdoctoral Positions in all fields of mathematics and
quantitative economics. The duration of these positions is 2 years with
the possibility of extension by up to one year. Expected starting date
is no later than October 2025. Generally there are no teaching
obligations but such opportunities are provided if desired by the

Daniela Schmidt

Administrative Assistant
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
Endenicher Allee 62, Villa Maria, Room 0.005
53115 Bonn
Tel: +49-228-73-4881, Fax: +49-228-73-62251
E-Mail: daniela.schmidt@hcm.uni-bonn.de

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[DMANET] application of metaheuristics

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we invite you to participate in the
special session (workshop) on
International Conference on
Large Scale Scientific Computation - LSSC'25, June 16 - 20, 2025, Sozopol,
with arrival: June 15 and departure: noon June 20.

The session is organized by:
Prof. Stefka Fidanova (stefka.fidanova@gmail.com)
from the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences and
Gabriel Luque (gabriel@lcc.uma.es) from University of Malaga, Spain.


The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:

combinatorial optimization
global optimization
multiobjective optimization
optimization in dynamic and/or noisy environments
large scale optimization
parallel and distributed approaches in optimization
random search algorithms,
simulated annealing,
tabu search
other derivative free optimization methods
nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms,
ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, immune artificial
systems etc)
hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing techniques
other global and local optimization methods
optimization methods for learning processes and data mining
computational optimization methods in statistics, econometrics, finance,
physics, medicine, biology, engineering etc

We plan to continue publishing the proceedings of only refereed and
presented papers as a
special volume of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

Important deadlines
Deadline for submission of abstracts
January 15, 2025
Notification of acceptance of the talks on the basis of the submitted
January 31, 2025
Deadline for registration
March 01, 2025
Deadline for submission of full papers
March 01, 2025
Notification of acceptance of full papers
April 15, 2025

Abstracts and contributed papers
The abstracts (up to 1 page stating clearly the originality of the results)
are to be written in standard LaTeX.
The length of the contributed papers is limited to 8 pages. It is assumed
that ONE participant
will present not more than ONE talk.

Send the abstracts and papers to special session organizers and conference
indicating the name of the special session.
After sending the abstract go to the conference web page and fill in the
registration form (personal data of the participants, minimum one per
paper, and the name of the special session).

Information about abstract and paper preparation, accommodation,
registration form and conference location you can find at the conference
web page http://parallel.bas.bg/Conferences/SciCom25/

Special session organizers
Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Prof. Gabriel Luque

Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25A
1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Ph. +359-2-9796642

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Monday, October 14, 2024

[DMANET] =?Windows-1252?Q?CFP:_*LESS'25_Workshop_@PerCom_(March_17_=96_21, _2025, _W?= ashington DC)

*LESS'25 – 4th Workshop on Serverless Computing for Pervasive Cloud-Edge-Deivce Systems and Services

co-located with IEEE PerCom 2025, March 17–21, 2025 in Washington DC, USA

Paper submissions due: November 17, 2024 (AoE)
Notification of acceptance: January 08, 2025
Website: https://starless.iit.cnr.it/cfp/
Email: starless.inf@lists.uni-hamburg.de

Call for Papers
*LESS is an ongoing workshop series on serverless computing for pervasive cloud-edge-device systems and services. The edge-to-cloud continuum presents a promising approach for deploying pervasive applications and services. Although serverless computing has gained traction for mobile applications, its transformative potential within the context of pervasive applications remains under-explored. To address this gap, *LESS aims to investigate how the edge-to-cloud continuum can unlock new opportunities tailored to the unique requirements and structures of pervasive applications and services.
Topics of Interest
*LESS offers a unique platform to challenge and advance serverless computing in decentralized and pervasive contexts. The workshop aims to raise awareness for serverless and FaaS in the PerCom community and foster collaboration with experts from the networking, virtualization, and cloud computing scientific fields. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Architectures & Deployment:
Edge, fog, and cloud serverless computing
Serverless on the edge-to-cloud continuum
Orchestration & Management:
Intent-based and context-aware serverless application orchestration
Applications & Services:
Serverless computing for pervasive systems and services
Function-as-a-service (FaaS) for pervasive applications
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) with/for serverless computing
Technologies & Protocols:
Distributed serverless computing protocols
Serverless computing in emerging communication patterns (e.g., 6G)
Evaluation & Analysis:
Performance evaluation in pervasive scenarios
Modelling, analysis, and simulation using serverless computing
Experimentation & Business Cases:
Prototypes and real-life experiments involving pervasive systems
Technical-economic analysis of serverless/FaaS for pervasive computing
Emerging Areas:
Serverless quantum computing
Sustainability and energy-awareness in edge serverless systems

Submission Guidelines
Submissions of papers are due by November 17, 2024 (AoE).
All papers must be in PDF format with at most 6 pages, including references. Papers should contain names and affiliations of the authors (not blinded). All papers must be typeset in double-column IEEE format using 10pt fonts on US letter paper, with all fonts embedded. The IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates, as well as related information, can be found at the IEEE Computer Society website<https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html>.
Paper submission must be done through EasyChair, just like with the main PerCom conference:

Register for a free account<https://easychair.org/account2/create> on EasyChair
Follow the direct submission link for PerCom 2025<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=percom2025> to create a new submission
Select the *LESS Track on the second page

*LESS will be held in conjunction with IEEE PerCom'25<http://www.percom.org/>. All accepted papers will be included in the PerCom 2025 Workshops proceedings and included and indexed in the IEEE digital library Xplore. At least one author will be required to have a full registration in the PerCom 2025 conference and present the paper during the workshop.
Organising & Steering Commitee

Adel N. Toosi – The University of Melbourne, Australia (Homepage<https://adelnadjarantoosi.info/>, LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/adel-n-toosi/>)
Gabriele R. Russo – Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy (Homepage<https://grussorusso.github.io/>, LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabriele-russo-russo>)
Janick Edinger – Universität Hamburg, Germany (Homepage<https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/en/inst/ab/dos/people/members/edinger.html>, LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/janick-edinger>)
Claudio Cicconetti – IIT-CNR, Italy (Homepage<https://ccicconetti.github.io/>, LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/cicconetti/>)
Pablo Serrano – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (Homepage<https://www.it.uc3m.es/pablo/>, LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/pabloserrano/>)
Christian Becker – University of Stuttgart, Germany (Homepage<https://www.ipvs.uni-stuttgart.de/institute/team/Becker-00039/>)

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[DMANET] [CFP] 8th International DIS Conference- June 1-5, 2025, Middlesex University, London, UK

The 8th International Conference on the Dynamics of Information Systems
(DIS 2025), June 1-5, 2025, Middlesex University, London, UK

Website: https://dis2025.ujep.cz/

Contact us: dis2025@rt.ujep.cz

This conference, a continuation of the highly successful DIS series held
in the United States and Europe, investigates the intersections and
uncharted domains in information science, optimization, operations
research, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The DIS 2025
includes contributions from researchers and practitioners in information
science, operations research, computer science, optimization, and
electrical engineering.

Topics of Interest- But are not limited to:

- Information science
- Uncertainty modeling
- Optimization (theory, methods, and applications)
- Operations research & management science
- Machine learning
- Data science & big data
- Quantum Information
- Dynamical systems and control
- Information geometry for machine learning
- Optimization with information constraints
- Value of information
- Entropic regularization and optimal transport
- Information and Wasserstein gradient flows
- Applications in robotics, economics, energy, environmental sciences,
and other areas

Important Dates
All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE = UTC-12h).

- Submission opens: July 10, 2024
- Submission deadline: January 15, 2025
- Author notification: February 15, 2025
- Registration opens: February 15, 2025
- Early Registration Deadline: March 15, 2025
- Late Registration Deadline: May 1, 2025
- Conference: June 1-5, 2025
- Camera-ready papers: TBA


· All accepted papers will be published by Springer-Verlag in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

General Chairs

o Roman Belavkin, Middlesex University London, England

o Hossein Moosaei, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Czech Republic

o Panos M. Pardalos, University of Florida, USA

Looking forward to seeing you in the beautiful city of London.

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[DMANET] Postdoc Position in Algorithms, TU Munich

Postdoctoral Position in Algorithms
TU Munich

A postdoctoral position in the area of efficient algorithms is
available in the research group of Prof. Susanne Albers, Department
of Computer Science, Technical University of Munich (TU Munich).

A research interest in approximation and online algorithms,
algorithmic game theory or algorithm engineering is very welcome.
More information about Susanne Albers and the research group can
be found at http://wwwalbers.in.tum.de/index.html.en

The position provides a competitive 12 month salary with standard
benefits. The appointment is for a period of one or two years,
depending on the scientific profile of the candidate. The expected
start date of the position is winter 2025.

The successful candidate should have a PhD degree in computer
science or mathematics. Since the position includes teaching
responsibilities, proficiency in German is required.
The application material should include (1) a cover letter
describing the interest in the position, (2) a CV and list of
publications, (3) a short research summary, and (4) the name
and contact information of at least one reference. The material
should be sent electronically to <albers@in.tum.de>.

Applications will be reviewed starting November 5, 2024.

Susanne Albers
Department of Computer Science
Technical University Munich
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching (near Munich), Germany
E-mail: albers@in.tum.de
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[DMANET] Jobs - Fully funded PhD positions at Hamburg University of Technology

The Institute of Medical Technology and Intelligent Systems at Hamburg
University of Technology has a reseach focus on robotics, navigation,
and machine learning in medicine.
Our interdisciplinary group is part of the department of computer
science and we combine the development of new methods and algorithms
with experimental evaluation on real clinical data.
For an international project we are looking for two research associates
who are interested in obtaining a PhD.

The first position will focus on heuristic optimization and machine
learning for optimizing the motion of medical robots, e.g., for biopsies
and cancer treatments.
More information see:

Please, apply here:

The second position will consider machine learning method for image
guidance and image based decision support in cardiology, radiology, and
More information see:

Please, apply here:

Successful candidates will hold a master's degree in computer science,
engineering, or applied math with excellent grades.
Very good programming and scientific writing skills as well as the
ability to travel to project meetings throughout Europe are essential.

The positions are fully funded (app. 55.000 EUR gross salary, 30 days of
paid vacation) for a maximum term of four years.

For additional information, please contact Prof. Alexander Schlaefer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schlaefer

Institute of Medical Technology and Intelligent Systems
Hamburg University of Technology
+49 (0) 40 42878 3050

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[DMANET] [CFP] 5th workshop on Human-Centered Computational Sensing (HCCS’25)

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Fifth Workshop on
Human-Centered Computational Sensing (HCCS'25)
<https://sites.google.com/view/hccs25/home>, which will be co-located with
the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and
Communications (PerCom'25) <https://www.percom.org/>in Washington DC, USA,
from March 17-21, 2025.

The fifth edition of the Human-Centered Computational Sensing (HCCS'25)
workshop aims to advance and promote research on how unobtrusive
observations of human cognitive, behavioral, physiological, and contextual
data are increasingly enabling innovative computing experiences. The
workshop will also foster discussions about the societal implications of
computational sensing. Traditionally, sensors have been understood narrowly
as devices that capture physiological measurements, often through
wearables. This workshop adopts a broader, human-centric perspective,
envisioning sensing as time-evolving measurable data directly linked to
individuals and their communities. With this approach, sensing encompasses
human reactions and interactions observed through spoken, written, or
signed language, eye gaze, facial and bodily expressions, social networks,
geospatial patterns, and other forms of human-generated data. Advances in
multimodal human data acquisition and fusion have the potential to
significantly impact all areas of human life, including productivity,
health and well-being, training and education, human-computer interaction,
accessibility, safety and security, as well as gaming, sports, and

Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

- Context-Aware Sensing for Adaptive Learning Environments
- Emotion Recognition through Physiological and Behavioral Signals
- Personalized Well-being Applications using Continuous Sensing
- Smart Workplaces through Behavioral Sensing
- Human Activity Recognition in Unstructured Environments
- Emotion-Adaptive Interfaces for Human-Computer Interaction
- Geospatial Behavior Analysis for Urban Planning
- Fusion of multifaceted, heterogeneous, and/or incommensurable human
sensing data
- Localization and proximity-detection systems
- AI-empowered mobile sensing systems
- Generative AI for synthetic sensor data generation and evaluation
- User acceptance, quality of experience, and social impact studies
- Accessibility of human sensing technologies
- New interventions acting on human-centered computational sensing
- Experimental analysis with human sensing data from real-world
- Human-centered sensing for healthcare, industry, social goods and all
possible application domains
- Experiences and lessons learned from research projects focused on
human-centered computational sensing
- Privacy and ethical considerations for human-centered computational
sensing, including gender equality.

*Organizers will consider the possibility of inviting authors of selected
papers accepted to HCCS'25 to submit an extended work to a Special Issue of
an international journal.*

*Submission and Registration*:
Authors are invited to submit technical or theoretical papers for
presentation at the workshop, describing original, previously unpublished
work, which is not currently under review by another workshop, conference,
or journal. Papers may be no more than 6 pages in length. Authors can
purchase one additional page for the camera-ready version. Papers in excess
of the page limits will not be considered for review or publication. All
papers must be typeset in double-column IEEE format using 10pt fonts on US
letter paper, with all fonts embedded. The IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft Word
templates, as well as related information, can be found at the IEEE website.

Submission instructions will be available soon on the workshop and
conference websites.

It is a requirement that all the authors listed in the submitted paper are
also listed in the submission system. Each accepted workshop paper requires
a full PerCom registration (no registration is available for workshops
only). Papers that are not presented in presence at the workshop will not
be published in the proceedings.

*Important Dates*:

- Paper submission deadline: November 17th 2024
- Paper notification: January 8th, 2025
- Camera Ready Deadline: February 2nd, 2025

For more information, including the workshop's scope, submission
guidelines, and topics of interest, please visit the workshop website
<https://sites.google.com/view/hccs25/home> or find the attached Call for
Papers (CFP).

We look forward to your contributions and participation in HCCS'25. If you
have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,
Rajesh Titung
Rochester Institute of Technology
Email: rt7331@rit.edu

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[DMANET] 2025 Conference on the Mathematics of Operational Research: 2nd Call for Session Proposals

The 2025 edition of the IMA-ORS Conference on the Mathematics of Operational Research will take place in Birmingham, UK, from the 30th of April to the 2nd of May.

The web page can be found here:

We are currently inviting proposals for sessions on specific topics, which could concern either techniques or applications. The deadline for submission of proposals is Monday 4th November. For any enquiries, or if you would like to contribute to the event in some other way, please get in touch with any of us on the organising committee.

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* http://www.zaik.uni-koeln.de/AFS/publications/dmanet/

[DMANET] Junior Workshop on Mathematical Game Theory

We are pleased to announce the Junior Workshop on Mathematical Game Theory
<https://sites.google.com/view/jwmgt/home>. It will take place on November
21-22, 2024 at Luiss University. Only invited speakers will give a talk.
There will be neither contributed talks nor posters. We have some capacity
(and budget) constraints, so, although attendance is free, we need
participants to register by filling out this form
October 31.

The workshop will bring together a group of young researchers in different
areas of mathematical game theory. The talks will cover, among others, the
following topics:
Random games
Stochastic games
Learning in games
Matching theory
Dynamic routing games
Algorithmic game theory

Workshop address:
Viale Pola 12,
00198 Rome, Italy

The organizers
Maurizio D'Andrea
Marco Scarsini
Xavier Venel
Junior Workshop on Mathematical Game TheoryJunior Workshop on Mathematical
Game Theory <https://sites.google.com/view/jwmgt/home>

Marco Scarsini
Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza
Luiss University
Viale Romania 32
00197 Roma, ITALY

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[DMANET] Research Fellow Position available in Time Complexity of Bio-inspired Computation @ SUSTech, Shenzhen, China

Time complexity Analysis of Bio-Inspired Computation -&nbsp;

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China&nbsp;


Applications are invited for a fully-funded Research Fellow in the time complexity analysis of bio-inspired computation techniques such as evolutionary algorithms,&nbsp; genetic algorithms, artificial immune systems which are widely used heuristic search techniques at the heart of artificial intelligence.

About the project

Bio-inspired meta-heuristics are general-purpose optimization paradigms that draw inspiration from biological systems Popular examples include evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithms and artificial immune systems. The AI-Theory Lab works towards providing a theoretical foundation for understanding the working principles of these heuristic algorithms by quantifying how quickly they find satisfactory solutions for various problems, thus explaining when and why they are efficient. This understanding exposes how performance depends on algorithmic parameters, enables informed choices as to when to use what kind of heuristic and allows the design of better bio-inspired algorithms.&nbsp;

The aim of the project is to develop the mathematical methodology for explaining and predicting the performance of bio-inspired search heuristics. The methodology will be used to derive and extend the theoretical foundations of bio-inspired computation.

Selected topics include the performance analysis of:

a) Population-based search heuristics: highlighting their advantages over single-trajectory algorithms and/or the advantages of recombination over mutation-only algorithms&nbsp;

b) Algorithm configurators: how to evolve the optimal parameter settings for the meta-heuristic

c) Hyper-heuristics: how to evolve the meta-heuristic itself

d)&nbsp; &nbsp; Genetic programming: how to evolve computer programs effectively;

Person Specification

- PhD in computer science (or close to completion)&nbsp; or closely related area&nbsp;

- Expertise in some or all of the following:

- Theory of bio-inspired computation

- Algorithm time complexity analysis and computational complexity

- Computational complexity analysis of randomized algorithms

- Analysis of stochastic processes

- Excellent computer programming skills (JAVA, C)

- Publication record commensurate with career stage in high impact journals and conference proceedings

- Experience of Latex, SVN, GIT or analogue

Main Duties and Responsibilities

- Contribute to the development of mathematical techniques for the time complexity of bio-inspired optimization heuristics

- Perform runtime analyses of bio-inspired search heuristics for combinatorial optimisation problems

- Investigate the impact of algorithmic parameters on the overall performance and the impact of automatic adaptation of the parameters

- Carry out computational experiments required for the achievement of the research goals

- Plan work activities to ensure deliverables and deadlines are met while continuously monitoring progress

- Disseminate the results via project meetings, conference papers, conference presentations and journals of the highest quality as well as impact delivery activities (special session and tutorial organization at conferences

- Collaborate closely with research collaborators world-wide

- Undertake activities to increase own leadership and professional standing in the community and international scale

- Contribute to the intellectual growth of the research group by co-supervising research students

About the University and Department&nbsp;

Established in 2010 with the mission to reform Chinese tertiary education and become a top-notch international research university, SUSTech was launched in the tech capital city of Shenzhen. SUSTech is becoming the important epicentre for China's science and technology academic research and for the cultivation of innovative minds.&nbsp; The rapid ascent of SUSTech onto the global stage is remarkable. In the Times Higher Education (THE) World university Rankings 2023, it ranked 8th in Mainland China and 166th among the universities in the world. In THE Young Universities Rankings 2024, SUSTech was ranked 1st in China.

The SUSTech campus sits in the rolling hills of Nanshan District, with the verdant green lawns reflecting the environmentally friendly policies of the university. The natural and tranquil environment combines perfectly with the modern style of Shenzhen and its convenient location. With the campus covering an area of nearly 2 square kilometers, there is plenty of room for students to cogitate and consider their research or relax and enjoy their lives on campus. With students transiting the campus on foot, by bike or utilizing our convenient electric shuttle buses, its commitment to environmental sustainability is strong.&nbsp;

Located in the dynamic metropolis of Shenzhen, China's Silicon Valley, SUSTech is centered on a thriving ecosystem of entrepreneurship, innovation and research. Some 43 per cent of the total PCT patent applications in China came from Shenzhen in 2017, and the city shows no signs of slowing down. As China's research and development center, it is the perfect place for entrepreneurs, researchers and innovators alike to make their home alongside tech giants such as Huawei, Tencent, BYD, DJI, BJI and Mindray.

Shenzhen is also only distant 17 minutes from Hong Kong city centre by high speed train and about an hour from Macau by ferry.

The successful candidate will join the recently established AI-Theory Lab in the department of Computer Science and Engineering with world-leading expertise in bio-inspired computation.


332,550-450,000 RMB per annum for 2 years.

Meal supplement and festival expenses allowances as well as high/low temperature subsidies are also provided. Funding is available for conference attendance and collaborative research visits to related research groups in organizations world-wide. The AI-Theory Lab at SUSTech maintains effective collaborations with all the research organizations with major expertise in the theory of bio-inspired computation world-wide.

Line Manager&nbsp;

Professor Pietro S. Oliveto is Chair of the AI-Theory Lab at SUSTech. His main research interest is the rigorous performance analysis of bio-inspired computation techniques. Further information can be accessed via his personal webpage: https://peteroliveto.github.io

Key Words

Artificial Intelligence, Bio-Inspired Computation, Theory

Pietro Oliveto
Professor of Computer Science



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[DMANET] [Scheduling seminar] Maciej Drozdowski (Poznan UT)| Oct 23 | Scheduling divisible loads

Dear scheduling researcher,

We are delighted to announce the talk given by Maciej Drozdowski (Poznan
The title is "Scheduling divisible loads". The seminar will take place
on Zoom on Wednesday, October 23 at 13:00 UTC.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 963 5050 6239
Passcode: 185009

You can follow the seminar online or offline on our Youtube channel as

The abstract follows.
In this talk divisible load theory (DLT) will be introduced. The theory
is a scheduling and computer performance model applicable in
data-parallel applications. Its basic assumption is that the computing
work can be divided into pieces of arbitrary sizes and these pieces can
be processed independently in parallel. In the talk we will proceed from
the basic formulation of divisible load scheduling on heterogeneous
system to a formulation for multi-installment divisible load processing
in heterogeneous system with hierarchical memory and energy constraints.
NP-hardness of various DLT scheduling problem variants will be
considered. Application of DLT as isoefficiency maps visualizing
parallel processing performance relationships will be demonstrated.

The next talk in our series will be:
Hugo Chareyre (Artelys) | November 6 | Operational scheduling in
automotive industry
For more details, please visit https://schedulingseminar.com/

With kind regards

Zdenek, Mike and Guohua

Zdenek Hanzalek
Industrial Informatics Department,
Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics,
Czech Technical University in Prague,
Jugoslavskych partyzanu 1580/3, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic

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Sunday, October 13, 2024

[DMANET] Research fellowships at IBS Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group (ECOPRO with Hong Liu)

Dear Colleagues,

The Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group (ECOPRO) at the Institute
for Basic Science (IBS) invites applications for research fellowship
positions. We are looking for up to 3 senior researchers and 3 postdocs. These
are purely research positions and will have no teaching duties.

ECOPRO is a research group launched on April 1st, 2022, at IBS, led by
Prof. Hong Liu. We welcome highly motivated postdoc researchers with
outstanding research potential in all fields of combinatorics with emphasis
on extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, graph theory, Ramsey theory,
combinatorial number theory and discrete geometry.

Combinatorics at IBS:

- ECOPRO: https://www.ibs.re.kr/ecopro/
- Discrete Mathematics Group, led by Prof. Sang-il Oum

For application details, see any of the following advert links:

- https://www.ibs.re.kr/ecopro/hiring/
- mathjobs: https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/24687

The deadline for application is* December 2, 2024*.

A complete application packet should include:

1. AMS standard cover sheet (preferred) or cover letter (PDF format)
2. Curriculum vitae including a publication list (PDF format)
3. Research statement (PDF format)
4. Application for the IBS & Consent to Collection and Use of Personal
Information (PDF file)
5. At least 3 recommendation letters

*How to apply: *submit items 1-4 to ecopro@ibs.re.kr. Recommendation
letters should be sent to ecopro@ibs.re.kr directly from the letter
writers. Informal inquiries can be sent to hongliu@ibs.re.kr.


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[DMANET] Save the Date for MIP Workshop Europe

Please mark your calendars for the 2025 Mixed Integer Programming European

We are happy to announce the inaugural Mixed Integer Programming (MIP)
European Workshop, to be held at LIMOS in Clermont-Ferrand, France from
July 1-3 2025. The MIP European Workshop is held in addition to the
classical MIP Workshop series and the MIP International Workshop.

The Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) Workshop is a single-track workshop
highlighting the latest trends in integer programming and discrete
optimization, with speakers chosen by invitation, alongside poster sessions
allowing young scholars to present their research. It brings together
researchers, students, and industry actors from around the globe, fostering
collaboration and providing a showcase for students, early career
academics, and developments in industry and novel applications. The MIP
European Workshop 2025 is supported by the Mixed Integer Programming
Society (MIPS), a section of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS).

Further up-to-date information can be found on the website

We look forward to welcoming you in Clermont-Ferrand

On behalf of the EUROMIP2025 Organizing Committee,
Mathieu Besançon, Alexander Black, Claudia D'Ambrosio, Christopher Hojny,
Sophie Huiberts

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

[DMANET] Cfp 1st Workshop on Graph-Based Knowledge Extraction from Real-World Data - deadline: 23 Oct 2024

1st Workshop on Graph-Based Knowledge Extraction from Real-World Data



[paper submission deadline: 23 Oct 2024]

We cordially invite you to participate in the 1st Workshop on Graph-Based Knowledge Extraction from Real-World Data, to be held in conjunction with the prestigious 2024 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Data & Knowledge Engineering (AIDKE), scheduled for December 11-13, 2024.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of graph-based knowledge extraction to share the latest research and advancements in this domain. We will address timely topics including:

-Modeling complex systems with graphs
-Role of graphs in biology, finance, and communication networks
-Techniques for graph construction from raw data
-Large-scale graph processing and distributed algorithms
-Foundations of graph theory and its application to Graph Neural Networks
-Theoretical underpinnings of Graph Neural Networks
-Application of Graph Neural Networks for real-world data analysis
-Representation of real-world data through graphs
-Advances in Graph Neural Networks architectures and training techniques
- Knowledge extraction in bioinformatics, financial systems, social networks, ecological informatics, biomedical engineering and cybersecurity
- Integration of Graph Neural Networks with other machine learning models
- Graph Neural Network Explainability

Why attend?

Expand your knowledge: Interact with world-renowned experts and stay updated on the latest trends in the field.

Present your work: Submit your research contributions and engage with the academic community.

Forge collaborations: Establish new synergies and initiate fruitful research collaborations.

Important deadlines:

Paper submission: October 23, 2024

For further information and to submit your paper, please visit the workshop website: https://sites.google.com/icar.cnr.it/graph-based-knowledge

We look forward to your valuable contributions.

The Organizing Committee
Domenico Amato (domenico.amato01 at unipa.it) Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Palermo
Salvatore Calderaro (salvatore.calderaro01 at unipa.it) Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Palermo
Giosuè Lo Bosco (giosue.lobosco at unipa.it) Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Palermo
Riccardo Rizzo (riccardo.rizzo at icar.cnr.it) Institute for High-Performance Computing and Networking - National Research Council of Italy
Filippo Vella (filippo.vella at icar.cnr.it) Institute for High-Performance Computing and Networking - National Research Council of Italy

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[DMANET] DeepLearn 2025: early registration October 28


(with a special focus on Large Language Models, Foundation Models and Generative AI)

DeepLearn 2025

Porto – Maia, Portugal

July 21-25, 2025



Co-organized by:

University of Maia

Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice – IRDTA


Early registration: October 28, 2024



DeepLearn 2025 will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants on the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of deep learning. Previous events were held in Bilbao, Genova, Warsaw, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Guimarães, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Luleå, Bournemouth, Bari, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Porto.

Deep learning is a branch of artificial intelligence covering a spectrum of current frontier research and industrial innovation that provides more efficient algorithms to deal with large-scale data in a huge variety of environments: computer vision, neurosciences, speech recognition, language processing, human-computer interaction, drug discovery, biomedicine and health informatics, medical image analysis, recommender systems, advertising, fraud detection, robotics, games, business and finance, biotechnology, physics experiments, biometrics, communications, climate sciences, geographic information systems, signal processing, genomics, materials design, video technology, social systems, earth and sustainability, etc. etc.

The field is also raising a number of relevant questions about robustness of the algorithms, explainability, transparency, interpretability, as well as important ethical concerns at the frontier of current knowledge that deserve careful multidisciplinary discussion.

Most deep learning subareas will be displayed, and main challenges identified through 18 four-hour and a half courses, 2 keynote lectures, 1 round table and a hackathon competition among participants. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Face to face interaction and networking will be main ingredients of the event. It will be also possible to fully participate in vivo remotely.

DeepLearn 2025 will place special emphasis on large language models, foundation models and generative artificial intelligence.


Graduate students, postgraduate students and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees, so people less or more advanced in their career will be welcome as well.

Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses.

Overall, DeepLearn 2025 is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen to and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators.


DeepLearn 2025 will take place in Porto, the second largest city in Portugal, recognized by UNESCO in 1996 as a World Heritage Site. The venue will be:

University of Maia
Avenida Carlos de Oliveira Campos - Castêlo da Maia
4475-690 Maia
Porto, Portugal



3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another.

All lectures will be videorecorded. Participants will be able to watch them again for 45 days after the event.

An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Also companies will be able to present their technical developments for 10 minutes.

The school will include a hackathon, where participants will be able to work in teams to tackle several machine learning challenges.

Full live online participation will be possible. The organizers highlight, however, the importance of face to face interaction and networking in this kind of research training event.


Yonina Eldar (Weizmann institute of Science), Model Based AI and Applications

Manuela Veloso (JPMorganChase), AI, Humans, and Robots for Task Solving

PROFESSORS AND COURSES: (to be completed)

Pierre Baldi (University of California Irvine), [intermediate/advanced] From Deep Learning and Transformers to AI Risks and Safety

Sean Benson (Amsterdam University Medical Center), [intermediate] Digital Twins and Generative AI for Personalised Medicine

Mark Derdzinski (Dexcom), [introductory] From Prototype to Production: Evaluation Strategies for Agentic Applications

Samira Ebrahimi Kahou (University of Calgary), [intermediate/advanced] Explainability in Machine Learning

Elena Giusarma (Michigan Technological University), [introductory/intermediate] Machine Learning at the Frontier of Astrophysics: Simulating the Universe

Xia "Ben" Hu (Rice University), [introductory/advanced] Efficient LLM Serving: Algorithms, Systems and Applications

Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer (University of Colorado), [introductory/intermediate] Multimodal AI for Healthcare

Yingbin Liang (Ohio State University), [intermediate/advanced] Theory on Training Dynamics of Transformers

Chen Change Loy (Nanyang Technological University), [intermediate/advanced] Harnessing Prior for Content Enhancement and Creation

Preslav Nakov (Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence), tba

Evan Shelhamer (DeepMind), [intermediate] Test-Time Adaptation for Updating Models on New and Different Data

Atlas Wang (University of Texas Austin), [intermediate] Low Rank Strikes Back in the Era of Large Language Models

Xiang Wang (University of Science and Technology of China), [advanced] Large Language Models for User Behavior Modeling: Cross-Modal Interpretation, Preference Optimization, and Agentic Simulation

Rex Ying (Yale University), [intermediate/advanced] Multimodal Foundation Models for Graph-Structured Data: Framework and Scientific Applications


An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary oral presentations of work in progress by participants.

They should submit a half-page abstract containing the title, authors, and summary of the research to david@irdta.eu by July 13, 2025.


A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical applications of deep learning in industry.

Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. People in charge of the demonstration must register for the event.

Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david@irdta.eu by July 13, 2025.


A hackathon will take place, where participants can work in teams to tackle several machine learning challenges. They will be coordinated by Professor Sergei V. Gleyzer (University of Alabama). The challenges will be released 2 weeks before the beginning of the school. A jury will judge the submissions and the winners of each challenge will be announced by August 25, 2025. The winning teams will receive a modest monetary prize and the runners-up will get a certificate.


Companies/institutions/organizations willing to be sponsors of the event can download the sponsorship leaflet from



Sergei V. Gleyzer (Tuscaloosa, hackathon chair)
José Paulo Marques dos Santos (Maia, local chair)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Tarragona, program chair)
Sara Morales (Brussels)
José Luís Reis (Maia)
Luís Paulo Reis (Porto)
David Silva (London, organization chair)


It has to be done at


The selection of 6 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For logistical reasons, it will be helpful to have an estimation of the respective demand for each course.

Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration tool disabled when the capacity of the venue will have got exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event.


Fees comprise access to all program activities and lunches.

There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.

The fees for on site and for online participation are the same.


Accommodation suggestions will be available in due time at



A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered indicating the number of hours of academic activities. This should be sufficient for those participants who plan to request ECTS recognition from their home university.




Universidade da Maia

Universidade do Porto

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice – IRDTA, Brussels/London
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Friday, October 11, 2024

[DMANET] 2025 IFAAMAS Influential Paper Award -- Call for nominations

The International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (IFAAMAS) has established the IFAAMAS Influential Paper Award to recognize publications in the field of autonomous agents and multiagent systems that have made influential and long-lasting contributions. Candidates for this award are papers that have proved a key result, led to the development of a new subfield, demonstrated a significant new application or system, or simply presented a new way of thinking about a topic that has proved influential. A list of previous winners of this award appears at http://www.ifaamas.org/award-influential.html

This award is presented annually at the AAMAS Conference.

Winning papers must have been published at least 10 years before the first day of the conference. Therefore, papers eligible for the 2025 award must have been published earlier than May 2015, and in a recognized scientific forum (e.g., journal, conference, or workshop).

To nominate a publication for this award, please send, by November 22, 2024, the full reference plus a brief statement (200 words or fewer) arguing for the significance of the paper to the chair of the 2025 IFAAMAS Influential Paper Award committee, Ioannis Caragiannis (iannis@cs.au.dk<mailto:iannis@cs.au.dk>), with subject: 2025 IFAAMAS Influential Paper Award Nomination.

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[DMANET] AAMAS 2025: Call for Workshops

Dear all,

Please find below the call for workshops for the 24th International
Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2025) to be
held in Detroit, Michigan, USA, on May 19-23, 2025.

We look forward to seeing you in Detroit!

Tim Baarslag and Thanh Nguyen

Publicity Chairs

On behalf of the AAMAS 2025 Organizing Committee


Call for Workshops

AAMAS 2025 invites proposals for the workshop program, which will be held
on May 19–20, 2025, immediately before the main program of the AAMAS

The objectives of the AAMAS 2025 workshop program are to stimulate and
facilitate discussion, interaction, and comparison of approaches, methods,
and ideas related to specific topics, both theoretical and applied, in the
general area of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. The AAMAS 2025
workshops will provide an informal setting where participants will have the
opportunity to discuss specific technical topics, fostering the active
exchange of ideas and supporting community development.

We invite the submission of workshop proposals for review. We encourage
workshops that focus on emerging topics, open research questions and
challenges, as well as broader subjects of interest to a wider community.
Additionally, we welcome workshops with previous editions at AAMAS that can
attract established communities working in the same research area.

Workshops may vary in length from half a day to two days, though most are
expected to last one full day. Attendance will be limited to registered
participants, and both organizers and attendees must register for their
workshop, which will have a separate fee from the main conference. Workshop
attendees are not required to register for the main AAMAS conference if
they do not plan to attend it, though this is highly encouraged.

AAMAS 2025 will be an in-person event in Detroit, United States. AAMAS 2025
reserves the right to cancel workshops if attendance does not cover their
operating costs.

Important Dates


Proposal submission deadline: November 11, 2024 AoE

Acceptance notification: December 4, 2024

Workshops announced: December 11, 2024

Deadline for posting workshops call for papers: December 17, 2024

Recommended deadline for paper submissions to workshops: February 4,

Recommended deadline for paper acceptance notification: March 10, 2025

Deadline for submitting complete workshop notes to workshop chairs:
March 30, 2025 (Tentative)

Deadline for posting the call for participation: March 30, 2025

AAMAS 2025 workshops: May 19–20, 2025

Requirements for Submission

Workshop proposals must be submitted electronically as a single PDF file.
Items 1–11 should be combined into a document no longer than five pages and
must include the following information:


Title and acronym of the workshop.

A brief technical description of the workshop, specifying the workshop's
goals, the technical issues that it will address, the relevance of the
workshop to the main conference, and a brief discussion of why and to whom
the workshop is of interest.

A preliminary workshop format and a proposed schedule for organizing the
workshop, including the desired length. Please include a brief description
of how the organizers plan to encourage an atmosphere appropriate for a
workshop and indicate whether you intend to have any activities other than
contributed talks (e.g., invited talks, panels, or posters).

A list of related workshops held in the last three years, if any, and
their relation to the proposed workshop. Please include the following
information, when available: when and where they have been offered in the
past (i.e., at AAMAS or another conference), organizers' names and
affiliations, number of submitted/accepted papers, approximate attendance,
and follow-up publications (e.g., journal special issues). For workshops
with previous editions (even if they had different titles or were not held
at AAMAS), please include a list of URLs for the websites of those editions.

Description of the paper review process and acceptance standards.

The proposed workshop organizers' names, affiliations, URLs, and email
addresses. This committee must consist of two to four people knowledgeable
about the technical issues to be addressed. The organizing committee should
include individuals from multiple institutions across different regions. By
submitting the workshop proposal, the organizers commit to fulfilling their
responsibilities, outlined below in the "Responsibilities" section.

The name of the primary contact of the workshop's organizing committee.

A list of potential program committee members, including their titles
and affiliations.

A tentative list of places (mailing lists, websites, journals, etc.)
where the workshop is planned to be advertised.

A list of audio-visual requirements and any special room setup the
workshop organizers anticipate needing. Additionally, please specify
whether posters will be presented (and if so, how many you expect to

If available, a list of tentatively confirmed attendees.

In addition to the above items, please include a brief resume (maximum half
a page) for each organizing committee member. Resumes will not count toward
the proposal's page limit. Please focus on each committee member's
qualifications that are relevant to organizing an AAMAS workshop. Include a
list of key publications demonstrating expertise in the field and a list of
any workshops they have previously organized, if any. Please note that
strong proposals should include organizers who offer diverse perspectives
on the workshop topic and are actively engaged with the communities of
potential participants.

Selection Criteria

Workshop selection for the final program will be based on several factors,
including the scientific and technical relevance of the topics to the AAMAS
community, the clarity of the proposal, the innovative character of the
workshop topics, its cross-disciplinary nature, the organizers' ability to
lead a successful workshop, and the overall capacity of the conference
workshop program. Please note that AAMAS may ask proposers with similar or
overlapping content areas to merge their workshops.


For all accepted proposals, AAMAS will be responsible for:


Providing publicity for the workshop series as a whole.

Providing logistic support and a meeting place for the workshop.

Together with the organizers, determining the workshop date and time.

AAMAS reserves the right to cancel workshops, for instance, if there is
a low number of registrants.

Workshop organizers will be responsible for:


Setting up a website for the workshop.

Advertising the workshop and issuing a call for papers and a call for
participation (by the recommended deadlines) .

Collecting and evaluating submissions, notifying authors of acceptance
or rejection on a timely basis, and ensuring a transparent and fair
selection process.

All workshop organizers are strongly encouraged to follow the paper
submission and notification deadlines discussed earlier in this document.
Dates that are noted as tentative will be finalized and circulated in early
2025. Both workshop organizers and participants must register for the
workshop and are encouraged to register for the main conference. At least
one author must register for the workshop for their paper to be included in
the workshop proceedings. AAMAS reserves the right to cancel any workshop
if the above responsibilities are not fulfilled.

Submission Instructions

Workshop proposals must be submitted via OpenReview using the following


Submissions should be a single PDF file not exceeding 5 pages, with an
additional one-page CV for each organizer. In the submission page you will
be asked to complete a short form, including a short abstract (feel free to
keep it very short), and to upload your single PDF file.

If you don't have an OpenReview profile, we recommend that you create one
using your institutional email address. New profiles created without an
institutional email will go through a moderation process, by OpenReview,
that can take up to two weeks. If you opt for this, consider creating your
profile asap.

The deadline for submission is November 11, 2024, AoE.


Please direct any questions to the AAMAS 2025 Workshop Co-Chairs:


Bahar Rastegari (B.Rastegari@soton.ac.uk)

Bruno Castro da Silva (bsilva@cs.umass.edu)

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[DMANET] Call for ICALP 2025 Workshops

Dear all,

ICALP 2025 <https://conferences.au.dk/icalp2025> will be located in
Aarhus from 8th to 11th of July. We invite proposals for workshops on
topics of interest to the ICALP. Proposals must be limited to three pages
and should be submitted to icalp.workshops@cs.au.dk. Proposals should

- Workshop's name and URL if already available or from previous years.
- A short scientific summary and justification of the proposed topic;
this should include a discussion of the particular benefits of any topic
related to ICALP conferences
- A list of workshop organizers with contact information
- The suggested affiliated conference (if the workshop can be attractive
to more than one conference, please also mention that)
- Potential invited speakers (please specify their expected number and,
if possible, tentative names)
- Procedures for selecting presentations (if you plan a call for
contributed talks or papers followed by a selection procedure, the
submission date should be scheduled after the affiliated conference's
notification date, while the notification should take place before the
early registration deadline)
- Plans for publication, if any (e.g. proceeding, journal special issue,
- Proposed format and agenda (e.g. in person only or also hybrid, paper
presentations, tutorials, demo sessions)
- The proposed duration (e.g. 1/2, 1, 2 day(s))
- Expected number of participants, providing some data on previous
years, if the workshop has already been organised in the past
- Any other relevant information and special wishes regarding the
schedule (e.g. time closeness/overlapping to a precise conference,
workshops that should (not) be planned on the same day)

The organising and workshop committees of ICALP will determine the final
list of accepted workshops based on semantic pertinence and time/space
availability. The conference will provide a room, internet connection and
help with some local organization. Refreshments and meals will be served in
sync with the three conferences.
Workshop proposal submission deadline
15 November 2024
Early December 2025
Programme of the workshops ready
31 May 2025
Workshop Days
6–7 July 2024

Best regards on behalf of the ICALP workshop committee,
Chris Schwiegelshohn

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[DMANET] Announcing the DISPLIB2025 train dispatching competition!

Dear colleague,

With apologies for cross-posting, we would like to bring to your attention an exciting computational
competition on algorithms for train scheduling optimization!

We have collected real problem instances from various sources and combined them in a library called
DISPLIB with a simple but powerful file format. No previous knowledge on railway operations needed!
We hope to foster collaboration and competition among researchers, but also provide an open
dataset for everyone developing and benchmarking new train scheduling algorithms.

The competition starts now (October '24) and ends in April '25. The winners will be offered the
opportunity to present in a special session at the International Conference on Optimization and
Decision Science 2025 (ODS2025<https://www.airoconference.it/>) and be invited to submit an extended report to the Journal of Rail
Transport Planning and Management (JRTPM<https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-rail-transport-planning-and-management>).

You can find more information at https://displib.github.io/.

I hope you could help us spread the word and forward this message to whoever you think might be
interested in participating. We think this is particularly interesting for graduate students and
researchers, even if they have no previous experience on railway optimization problems.


The DISPLIB2025 Competition organizing committee
(Oddvar Kloster, Bjørnar Luteberget, Carlo Mannino, Giorgio Sartor)

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Thursday, October 10, 2024

[DMANET] PhD scholarship ""Robust Solutions for Complex Energy Infrastructure" at the University of Adelaide

The Optimisation and Logistics group at the

School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences,
The University of Adelaide, Australia

has a scholarship available for a Ph.D. Student working
within the HILT CRC Project "Robust Solutions for Complex Energy Infrastructure".

The project aims to provide robust solutions for energy infrastructure by
developing algorithms that can optimise complex infrastructure based on
predicted energy supply and demand, while dealing with associated

The prospective student should have a strong background in energy
networks and/or the design and application of optimisation algorithms such
as mixed integer programming or heuristics search algorithms. To deal with
stochastic aspects of the problems and algorithms, strong mathematical
knowledge is also required.

Additional information can be found at

Expressions of interest (including curriculum vitae, list of publications if
applicable, list of university grades, and names of two references with their
e-mail addresses) must be sent by email in PDF format with subject line
"PhD application: Energy Infrastructure" to Frank Neumann
(frank.neumann@adelaide.edu.au<mailto:frank.neumann@adelaide.edu.au>) by October 31, 2024.

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[DMANET] Special Presentation: "Women: Leaders Against All Odds" by Prof. Maria Grazia Speranza

Dear all,

I'm excited to invite you to an upcoming special presentation: "Women: Leaders Against All Odds" by Prof. Maria Grazia Speranza on November 20, 2024 from 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM. This event is organized by the University of Sheffield Women's Network Committee in collaboration with its Centre for Applied Research in Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management.

About the Speaker
Professor Maria Grazia Speranza is a world-renowned scholar in Operations Research from the University of Brescia, Italy.
Key Highlights:
● Recipient of the EURO Gold Medal 2024, the highest European recognition in Operations Research and third woman to receive this prestigious award in EURO's 50-year history
● Former Vice Chancellor and Dean of the University of Brescia, Italy
● Former President of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
● Former President of the Association of European Operational Research Societies
● Author of over 200 scientific papers and the recent book "Women's Surname"
● Advocate for gender equality in STEM fields

Presentation Abstract
Women are underrepresented in high-level positions, in any hierarchical organization. Although, at least in the so-called developed countries, equal rights are granted to men and women, still a large gender gap exists. The global gender gap index was 68.6% in June 2024 (World economic forum report), with no country at 100%. While about half of the countries experience small improvements, year-on-year, in about half of the countries the national index does not improve or worsens.
Nowadays several institutions and companies are committed to advancing gender equality. However, the path towards an equitable society is still long and requires awareness and commitment.
In this talk, Prof. Speranza will briefly discuss the evolution of women rights and overview some of the most common gender stereotypes women face, also referring to the growing body of literature that sheds light on the reasons for the underrepresentation of women, in particular in the STEM area. Finally, Prof. Speranza will discuss some directions to overcome the stereotypes and to improve the current situation.

Event Details
This hybrid event will be accessible both in-person and online. Please register here: https://forms.gle/NjanUt8m6fra68Yx5.

Why Attend?
● Gain insights from a leader in both academic research and gender equality advocacy
● Explore strategies for overcoming barriers in high-level positions
● Network with peers and leaders from various disciplines
● Contribute to the ongoing dialogue about creating a more inclusive academic environment

I hope you all can join us for this valuable opportunity!

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[DMANET] CfP - AI-SEC-2025 : The 1st International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity, Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, April 9-11 2025.

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP.]

The 1st International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity (AI-SEC-2025), in conjunction with the 39th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2025) Conference, Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, April 9-11 2025.

About the Workshop: The AI-SEC 2025 workshop aims to bring together researchers, industry professionals, and
practitioners to discuss the latest advancements in artificial intelligence for cybersecurity. The workshop will focus
on innovative AI techniques and real-world applications that strengthen system and network security, counter
evolving cyber threats, and ensure the robustness of AI models in distributed environments.
Topics of Interest: All topics related to the contribution of artificial intelligence approaches to the security of
networks and distributed systems are welcome. These include, but are not limited to:
• AI for the detection of threats and anomalies in Software-defined Networking
• AI-Enhanced security for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks and Wearable Systems
• AI-assisted techniques for security in web applications
• Detection and mitigation of AI-enabled cyberattacks
• AI-assisted techniques for network intrusion detection
• Security in IoT and pervasive networks with AI
• AI-assisted authentication and network access control
• Network forensic analysis using AI
• AI-powered malware detection in distributed settings
• AI-based context-aware network diagnostic and threat detection
• AI for data security and privacy in distributed systems
• Vulnerability assessment of AI and related technologies in distributed computing systems
• AI for physical layer and cross-layer security
• Applications of AI methods for wireless and mobile security
• AI-based fault tolerance in distributed systems
• AI-enhanced Trust Management in Multi-agent Systems

We welcome research papers up to 10 pages. Submissions should be made in PDF format following the Lecture Notes Style of Springer Proceedings (template available here: https://voyager.ce.fit.ac.jp/conftools/Springer/For-the-authors-LECTURE-NOTES-TEMPLATES.zip). For detailed submission instructions, please visit https://voyager.ce.fit.ac.jp/conf/aina/2025/guidelines.php

Paper submission link: https://edas.info/N32463

All accepted papers will be included in conference proceedings of Lecture Notes series published by Springer. Proceedings will be sent by Springer for indexing in SCOPUS. Authors of accepted papers will be given instructions for submission of camera ready and copyright form.

Submission Deadline: November 5, 2024
Author Notification: January 5, 2025
Camera-Ready Submission: February 5, 2025

Workshop co-chairs:
-Andrea Augello, University of Palermo
-Ashish Gupta, BITS-Pilani Dubai campus

Publicity chair:
-Farwa Batool, IMT Alti Studi di Lucca

Program committee (TPC):

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* via DMANET.
* http://www.zaik.uni-koeln.de/AFS/publications/dmanet/

[DMANET] [Cryptography] (IF 1.8, CiteScore 3.8) Selected Papers in Volume 7, Issue 4

We are sharing with you some selected papers published in the open access
journal /Cryptography/ (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/cryptography)
Volume 7, Issue 4, which are free to access and can be downloaded here:

1. A Practical Implementation of Medical Privacy-Preserving Federated
Learning Using Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption and Flower Framework

2. Random Number Generators: Principles and Applications

3. Hardware Implementations of Elliptic Curve Cryptography Using
Shift-Sub Based Modular Multiplication Algorithms

4. Secure Instruction and Data-Level Information Flow Tracking Model for

5. Comparative Study of Keccak SHA-3 Implementations

6. One-to-Many Simultaneous Secure Quantum Information Transmission

See this full volume via https://www.mdpi.com/2410-387X/7.

Additionally, we welcome your submissions if you have relevant papers to
be submitted. Please contact the journal editorial office

Best regards,
Xue Cheng
Managing Editor
MDPI Branch Office, Wuhan
Cryptography Editorial Office
MDPI, Grosspeteranlage 5, 4052 Basel, Switzerland

News: Cryptography Receives an Updated Impact Factor of 1.8

Twitter: @Cryptogr_MDPI https://twitter.com/Cryptogr_MDPI
LinkedIn: Cryptography-MDPI
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* via DMANET.
* http://www.zaik.uni-koeln.de/AFS/publications/dmanet/