Tuesday, October 8, 2024

[DMANET] Final CFP: Intl. Conf. on Applied Algorithms ICAA 2025

The International Conference on Applied Algorithms (ICAA) will take place in Kolkata, India from January 08 to 10, 2025. Details: https://icaa2025.framer.website/
The conference seeks original contributions related to design, analysis, implementation, and experimental evaluation of efficient algorithms and data structures for problems with relevant real-world applications in three tracks:
Track A: Discrete Algorithms
Track B: AI and Machine Learning
Track C: Industrial Applications
 We seek contributions that demonstrate novel algorithmic approaches, computational techniques, innovative applications of algorithms in real-world scenarios and case studies showcasing the impact of algorithms in solving complex problems. Submissions should present significant algorithmic contributions supported by analysis and/or experimental evaluation clearly highlighting the motivating application. Papers on industrial applications with strong algorithmic content are welcome. 
ICAA 2025 will be in hybrid mode. Authors may present the papers in person or virtually.Proceedings will be published as part of Springer Verlag LNCS series.
Paper Submission Deadline: 28 October, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: 28 November, 2024
Camera Ready Papers due: 06 December, 2024
Author Registration starts: 01 December, 2024
Early Bird Registration by: 10 December, 2024
Conference starts: 08 January, 2025

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