Friday, October 11, 2024

[DMANET] AAMAS 2025: Call for Workshops

Dear all,

Please find below the call for workshops for the 24th International
Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2025) to be
held in Detroit, Michigan, USA, on May 19-23, 2025.

We look forward to seeing you in Detroit!

Tim Baarslag and Thanh Nguyen

Publicity Chairs

On behalf of the AAMAS 2025 Organizing Committee


Call for Workshops

AAMAS 2025 invites proposals for the workshop program, which will be held
on May 19–20, 2025, immediately before the main program of the AAMAS

The objectives of the AAMAS 2025 workshop program are to stimulate and
facilitate discussion, interaction, and comparison of approaches, methods,
and ideas related to specific topics, both theoretical and applied, in the
general area of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. The AAMAS 2025
workshops will provide an informal setting where participants will have the
opportunity to discuss specific technical topics, fostering the active
exchange of ideas and supporting community development.

We invite the submission of workshop proposals for review. We encourage
workshops that focus on emerging topics, open research questions and
challenges, as well as broader subjects of interest to a wider community.
Additionally, we welcome workshops with previous editions at AAMAS that can
attract established communities working in the same research area.

Workshops may vary in length from half a day to two days, though most are
expected to last one full day. Attendance will be limited to registered
participants, and both organizers and attendees must register for their
workshop, which will have a separate fee from the main conference. Workshop
attendees are not required to register for the main AAMAS conference if
they do not plan to attend it, though this is highly encouraged.

AAMAS 2025 will be an in-person event in Detroit, United States. AAMAS 2025
reserves the right to cancel workshops if attendance does not cover their
operating costs.

Important Dates


Proposal submission deadline: November 11, 2024 AoE

Acceptance notification: December 4, 2024

Workshops announced: December 11, 2024

Deadline for posting workshops call for papers: December 17, 2024

Recommended deadline for paper submissions to workshops: February 4,

Recommended deadline for paper acceptance notification: March 10, 2025

Deadline for submitting complete workshop notes to workshop chairs:
March 30, 2025 (Tentative)

Deadline for posting the call for participation: March 30, 2025

AAMAS 2025 workshops: May 19–20, 2025

Requirements for Submission

Workshop proposals must be submitted electronically as a single PDF file.
Items 1–11 should be combined into a document no longer than five pages and
must include the following information:


Title and acronym of the workshop.

A brief technical description of the workshop, specifying the workshop's
goals, the technical issues that it will address, the relevance of the
workshop to the main conference, and a brief discussion of why and to whom
the workshop is of interest.

A preliminary workshop format and a proposed schedule for organizing the
workshop, including the desired length. Please include a brief description
of how the organizers plan to encourage an atmosphere appropriate for a
workshop and indicate whether you intend to have any activities other than
contributed talks (e.g., invited talks, panels, or posters).

A list of related workshops held in the last three years, if any, and
their relation to the proposed workshop. Please include the following
information, when available: when and where they have been offered in the
past (i.e., at AAMAS or another conference), organizers' names and
affiliations, number of submitted/accepted papers, approximate attendance,
and follow-up publications (e.g., journal special issues). For workshops
with previous editions (even if they had different titles or were not held
at AAMAS), please include a list of URLs for the websites of those editions.

Description of the paper review process and acceptance standards.

The proposed workshop organizers' names, affiliations, URLs, and email
addresses. This committee must consist of two to four people knowledgeable
about the technical issues to be addressed. The organizing committee should
include individuals from multiple institutions across different regions. By
submitting the workshop proposal, the organizers commit to fulfilling their
responsibilities, outlined below in the "Responsibilities" section.

The name of the primary contact of the workshop's organizing committee.

A list of potential program committee members, including their titles
and affiliations.

A tentative list of places (mailing lists, websites, journals, etc.)
where the workshop is planned to be advertised.

A list of audio-visual requirements and any special room setup the
workshop organizers anticipate needing. Additionally, please specify
whether posters will be presented (and if so, how many you expect to

If available, a list of tentatively confirmed attendees.

In addition to the above items, please include a brief resume (maximum half
a page) for each organizing committee member. Resumes will not count toward
the proposal's page limit. Please focus on each committee member's
qualifications that are relevant to organizing an AAMAS workshop. Include a
list of key publications demonstrating expertise in the field and a list of
any workshops they have previously organized, if any. Please note that
strong proposals should include organizers who offer diverse perspectives
on the workshop topic and are actively engaged with the communities of
potential participants.

Selection Criteria

Workshop selection for the final program will be based on several factors,
including the scientific and technical relevance of the topics to the AAMAS
community, the clarity of the proposal, the innovative character of the
workshop topics, its cross-disciplinary nature, the organizers' ability to
lead a successful workshop, and the overall capacity of the conference
workshop program. Please note that AAMAS may ask proposers with similar or
overlapping content areas to merge their workshops.


For all accepted proposals, AAMAS will be responsible for:


Providing publicity for the workshop series as a whole.

Providing logistic support and a meeting place for the workshop.

Together with the organizers, determining the workshop date and time.

AAMAS reserves the right to cancel workshops, for instance, if there is
a low number of registrants.

Workshop organizers will be responsible for:


Setting up a website for the workshop.

Advertising the workshop and issuing a call for papers and a call for
participation (by the recommended deadlines) .

Collecting and evaluating submissions, notifying authors of acceptance
or rejection on a timely basis, and ensuring a transparent and fair
selection process.

All workshop organizers are strongly encouraged to follow the paper
submission and notification deadlines discussed earlier in this document.
Dates that are noted as tentative will be finalized and circulated in early
2025. Both workshop organizers and participants must register for the
workshop and are encouraged to register for the main conference. At least
one author must register for the workshop for their paper to be included in
the workshop proceedings. AAMAS reserves the right to cancel any workshop
if the above responsibilities are not fulfilled.

Submission Instructions

Workshop proposals must be submitted via OpenReview using the following

Submissions should be a single PDF file not exceeding 5 pages, with an
additional one-page CV for each organizer. In the submission page you will
be asked to complete a short form, including a short abstract (feel free to
keep it very short), and to upload your single PDF file.

If you don't have an OpenReview profile, we recommend that you create one
using your institutional email address. New profiles created without an
institutional email will go through a moderation process, by OpenReview,
that can take up to two weeks. If you opt for this, consider creating your
profile asap.

The deadline for submission is November 11, 2024, AoE.


Please direct any questions to the AAMAS 2025 Workshop Co-Chairs:


Bahar Rastegari (

Bruno Castro da Silva (

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