Monday, May 16, 2022

[DMANET] Associate Professor in Theoretical Computer Science, University of Bremen

University of Bremen, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Associate Professor (W2) Position in Theoretical Computer Science with a
focus on Theory of Artificial Intelligence

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of
Bremen invites excellent candidates to apply for a full-time permanent
Associate Professor (W2) position in Theoretical Computer Science with a
focus on Theory of Artificial Intelligence.

The department is looking to complement the existing expertise in
theoretical computer science by hiring a candidate whose research area
is theoretical computer science with a focus on the theory of artificial
intelligence (such as logic-based AI, formal foundations of knowledge
representation, algorithms for data analysis, big data analytics and
coping with uncertainty) and should have close connections to at least
one of the following areas

- Algorithmics
- Complexity
- Formal Methods.

For more details, see the official announcements

Application deadline is June 13th, 2022.
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