Monday, July 29, 2024

[DMANET] New graduate textbook: Graph Coloring Methods

My graduate textbook, Graph Coloring Methods, is available as a free pdf at:

Each chapter studies a single method, and presents numerous examples
applying that method, generally in order of increasing difficulty. The
book is designed to be suitable for a topics course in graph coloring,
as well as self-study. The chapters are listed below.

1. Greedy Coloring
2. Gadgets: Constructions for Lower Bounds
3. Recoloring
4. Vertex Identification: Coloring Planar Graphs
5. The Kernel Method
6. Deletion and Contraction: Nowhere-Zero Flows
7. Rosenfeld Counting
8. The Combinatorial Nullstellensatz
9. The Activation Strategy
10. The Vertex Shuffle
11. Precoloring Extension
12. The Potential Method
A. The Rest of the Story

Daniel Cranston
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