Saturday, July 20, 2024

[DMANET] [Deadline extended] Conference MOG 2024 - Mathematics of Gas Transport and Energy

We are pleased to announce the fourth edition of the international

„Mathematics of Gas Transport and Energy MOG 2024"

on October, the 10th and 11th, 2024, in Regensburg, Germany.

The two-day conference aims at connecting leading experts in applied
mathematics with leading stakeholders from the industry and the public
sector that are concerned with the transition of the energy system. It
aims at stimulating fruitful discussions between academic partners and
representatives from other sectors on today´s broad challenges in the
energy sector, taking into account the transition from natural gas to
hydrogen networks, its coupling with electricity, and related topics.

Furthermore, all participants are welcome to contribute to a poster
session with their own contribution.

More information and registration (until 10 August 2024) is available

Invited speakers:

- Miguel Anjos (University of Edinburgh)

- Merve Bodur (University of Edinburgh)

- Ronaldo M. Colombo (University of Brescia)

- Jochen Deuerlein (3S Consult)

- Timm Faulwasser (TU Hamburg)

- Simone Göttlich (University of Mannheim)

- Holger Heitsch (WIAS Berlin)

- Erich Maurer (Energieagentur Nordbayern)

- Jaap Pedersen (Zuse Institute Berlin)

- Roger Z. Rios (University of Nuevo Leon)

- Line Roald (University of Wisconsin)

- Lena Salm (TenneT TSO)

- Johannes Schiffer (BTU Cottbus)

- Tom Streubel (PSI Software)

- Martin Styblo (PSIG)

- Tabea Tscherpel (TU Darmstadt)

- Ann-Kathrin Wiertz (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)

The conference is organized by the German Collaborative Research Center
TRR154 („Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization using the

Example of Gas Networks") funded by the German Science foundation, see

Regensburg is located at the Danube's northernmost point, in between the
Gäuboden region and the two low mountain ranges Fränkische Jura and
Bayerischer Wald. The international airports Nuremberg and Munich are
only a 60 minute drive away. Due to its unique status as "the only
authentically preserved large medieval city in Germany" the Old Town
Regensburg with Stadtamhof" was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage
Site in 2006.

Dr. Kevin-Martin Aigner
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Department of Data Science
Cauerstraße 11, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany
Phone: +49 9131/85-67181

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