Thursday, July 18, 2024

[DMANET] PhD Position in Optimization Under Uncertainty (TU Berlin)

A PhD position is available in the MATH+ Junior Research Group led by Dr. Franziska Eberle ( at Technische Universität Berlin. The research interests of the group are approximation algorithms for uncertain environments with special focus on scheduling and packing problems in stochastic and online models. The successful candidate will work on the MATH+ project 'The Value of Distributional Information' (

We are looking for a candidate with
- a strong mathematical background and an excellent degree (Master or equivalent) in mathematics, computer science, or a related area
- enthusiasm for the design and theoretical analysis of algorithms
- interest in combining optimization and probability theory

We offer a 75% position for three years with a competitive salary, 30 days of vacation, and health insurance according to the payment scale TV-L 13 (gross annual salary around EUR 40.000, depending on your experience). The group is part of the research center MATH+ (<>) and the Institute of Mathematics at TU Berlin. We are closely connected to the groups 'Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms' ( and 'Discrete Optimization' ( at TU Berlin as well as other research groups worldwide.

Besides its many cultural attractions, Berlin offers a strong scientific landscape including three major universities and the Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+ with the international graduate program Berlin Mathematical School (<>); these offer ample opportunities for joint research and support for Postdocs and PhD students (e.g., meetings, lecture series, international summer schools etc.).

Your application should contain
- letter of motivation
- CV, ideally with the name of at least one reference
- your Master's thesis and study transcripts (with grades)

Please send your application including the reference number II-365/24 combined in a single pdf (max 5 MB) to Dorothea Kiefer-Hoeft<>. The official job posting can be found at<>

Applications will be reviewed after August 02 until the position is filled. Informal inquiries can be directed to<>. Please also send an email if you would like to apply but have difficulties in meeting the deadline or have not yet completed your degree but expect to do so soon.

The starting date is as soon as possible, earliest September 01.

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