Wednesday, July 3, 2024

[DMANET] Fully funded PhD and Postdoc position in computational geometry at Aalto University

We invite applications for PhD student and Postdoctoral researcher positions in geometric algorithms, to be funded by the Research Council of Finland grant "Algorithms in Hyperbolic Geometry". The work will take place at Aalto University in the Helsinki region in Finland. For both positions the daily supervision will be carried out by Sandor Kisfaludi-Bak.

PhD position: The successful applicant will be employed by Aalto University for four years (assuming successful evaluation
after two years). If you

* have or are about to obtain a Master's degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or a closely related area
* enjoy doing research on algorithms and their computational complexity
* like working on geometric problems
have a strong background in theoretical computer science (especially algorithms), geometry, or discrete mathematics

then do not hesitate to apply. Knowledge about hyperbolic geometry is not a requirement.

Postdoctoral researcher position: The successful applicant will be employed by Aalto University for two years. If you

have or are about to obtain a PhD in Theoretical Computer Science or Mathematics related to geometric algorithms
enjoy designing approximation and parameterized algorithms and proving computational complexity lower bounds
* like working on geometric problems
in addition to your background in algorithms, you have some background in geometry or discrete mathematics

then do not hesitate to apply. Knowledge about hyperbolic geometry is not a requirement.

More information and the call for PhD applications can be found here:

More information and the call for Postdoc applications can be found here:
The Postdoc applications are processed through the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT).
Please mark computational geometry as the research area and name Sandor Kisfaludi-Bak as supervisor when applying.

Please contact Sandor Kisfaludi-Bak if you have any questions about the positions (email: sandor dot kisfaludi-bak at aalto dot fi).

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