Tuesday, July 30, 2024

[DMANET] Autumn school on Probability in Computer Science (PICS)

Autumn school on Probability in Computer Science (PICS)
The 5th PhD School on Foundations of Programming and Software Systems Copenhagen, October 14–18, 2024

Program and registration:

PICS is the 5th school in the series of Foundations of Programming and
Software Systems schools, an initiative of ACM SIGLOG, ACM SIGPLAN,
the European Association on Theoretical Computer Science, and ETAPS
(European Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Systems). PICS
is not an ordinary PhD school. It crosses many disciplines, asking
speakers from diverse research areas to deliver their favorite stories
battle on use of probability in computer science. We have outstanding
lecturers from different areas of computing such as security, AI,
randomized algorithms, probabilistic databases, and so forth.

We invite attendees primarily from Computer Science and Mathematics,
mostly PhD students, and exceptional MSc students from research-based


* Alexandra Silva, Cornell University

* Antonio Vergari, University of Edinburgh
Probabilistic circuits: from tractable probabilistic inference to
reliable neuro-symbolic AI

* Dan Suciu, University of Washington
Information Theory for Relational Query Processing

* Joseph Halpern, Cornell University
Causality, Explanation, and Harm

* Mikkel Thorup, University of Copenhagen
Hashing in Probabilistic Algorithms

* Philipp Hennig, University of Tübingen
Probabilistic Numerics — Computation as Inference

* Ivan Damgård, Aarhus University
On the many crucial roles played by randomness in cryptography

* Marta Kwiatkowska, University of Oxford
Probabilistic verification for neural networks

The school will take place in the IT University in Copenhagen,
Denmark. This location is in the vicinity of the international airport
of Copenhagen and to Copenhagen Central Railway station, close to the
beautiful city centre. The IT University building boasts world famous
architecture by Henning Larsen Architects.

Early registration deadline: September 1, 2024

Student registration rate: 2350 DKK
(ca. 320 EUR for 5 days incl. access to venue, catering, and social events).

A small number of registration waivers are available for students from
underfunded countries and environments. The participants from overseas
will be offered the opportunity to use the ETAPS association extended
stay program.


* Joost Pieter Katoen (RWTH Aachen)
* Andrzej WÄ…sowski (ITU Copenhagen)
* Raul Pardo (ITU Copenhagen)

Contact: pics2024@itu.dk

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