Friday, July 26, 2024

[DMANET] [CP 2024] - Call for Participation

Call for Participation

Thirtieth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2024) September 02-06, 2024, Girona, Catalonia.

CP is the premier international event for presenting research in all aspects of computing with constraints, including, but not restricted to: theory, algorithms, environments, languages, models, systems, and applications. CP 2024<> will be held in-person in Girona at the University of Girona (Old Quarter Campus)<>, September 02-06, 2024.

The CP 2024 program will include presentations of high-quality scientific papers on constraints technology. In addition to the main conference program, CP 2024 will feature 3 specialised tracks covering important topics in Constraints:

* Applications
* CP and Machine Learning
* CP and Quantum Computing

Preliminary Schedule

You can find a detailed preliminary schedule here:

Monday 2nd September: Workshops, Doctoral Program, Doctoral Program dinner, ConfWS 2024 dinner.
Tuesday 3rd September: Opening, invited talk, tutorial, regular sessions, ConfWS 2024 (only morning), Girona walking tour, welcome reception.
Wednesday 4th September: Tutorial, regular sessions, SPC dinner.
Thursday 5th September: Invited talk, tutorial, competition results, awards, DEI event, regular sessions, ACP general assembly, excursion to Ruins of Empúries, conference banquet.
Friday 6th September: Regular sessions, closing.

For more information, please check out the list of accepted papers<>. The detailed program will be announced soon.
Please also check our website for more information on the workshops<>, tutorials<> and invited talks<>.


* 26th International Workshop on Configuration (ConfWS 2024)<>. Organisers: Elise Vareilles, Chiara Grosso, José Miguel Horcas, Alexander Felfering, Irene Campo Gay (web chair).
* 23rd Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation (ModRef 2024)<>. Organisers: Nysret Musliu, Hélène Verhaeghe.
* 7th Workshop on Progress Towards the Holy Grail (PTHG-24)<>. Organiser: Eugene Freuder.
* 1st Workshop on Discrete Optimization with Soft Constraints (Soft 2024)<>. Organisers: Simon de Givry, Javier Larrosa.
* Doctoral Program<>.


* Modeling and Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems with Domain-Independent Dynamic Programming by J. Christopher Beck and Ryo Kuroiwa.
* Constraint Programming with JuMP by Benoît Legat.
* Constraint Acquisition - A Tutorial on Learning Constraint Models by Dimos Tsouros.

Invited Talks

* Ian P. Gent (University of St Andrews) - Solving Patience and Solitaire Games with Good Old Fashioned AI
* Francesca Rossi (IBM) - Thinking fast and slow in AI: A cognitive architecture to augment both AI and human reasoning


The registration costs are as follows:

* Workshop only (2 September): 205€
* ConfWS only on-site (2 and 3 September): 275€
* ConfWS only online (2 and 3 September): 175€
* Conference and Workshop, Student: 495€
* Conference and ConfWS, Student: 565€
* Conference and Workshop, Regular: 850€
* Conference and ConfWS, Regular: 925€

Please go to our registration page<> to register for CP 2024.


CP 2024 appreciates the generous support of our sponsors.

Gold sponsors:

* Association for Constraint Programming (ACP)<>
* Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ)<>
* ScheduleOpt<>
* Universitat de Girona<>
* Generalitat de Catalunya<>
* Diputació de Girona<>

Silver sponsors:

* Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)<>
* IBM<>

Bronze sponsors:

* Google<>

Other sponsors:

* The Optimization Firm<>
* Huawei<>
* Cosling<>
* Potassco Solutiona<>
* Ajuntament de Girona<>
* European Association for Artificial Intelligence<>
* Patronat Politècnica UdG<>
* Càtedra d'Informació i Computació de la UdG<>
* Càtedra Lluís A. Santaló d'Aplicacions de la Matemàtica de la UdG<>

Organizing Committee

Conference Chairs: Miquel Bofill (Universitat de Girona), Mateu Villaret (Universitat de Girona)

Program Chair: Paul Shaw (IBM)

Workshop Chair: Carlos Ansótegui (Universitat de Lleida)

Tutorials Chair: Pierre Schaus (UCLouvain)

Doctoral Program Chair: Edward Lam (Monash University)

Publicity & Website Chair: Jordi Coll (Universitat de Girona)

DEI Chairs: Özgür Akgün (University of St Andrews), María Andreína Francisco Rodríguez (Uppsala University)

Special Track Chairs

* CP Applications Track: Louis-Martin Rousseau (École Polytechnique de Montréal)
* CP & Machine Learning Track: Quentin Cappart (École Polytechnique de Montréal)
* CP & Quantum Computing Track: Philippe Codognet (CNRS / Sorbonne University / University of Tokyo)

Senior Program Committee and Program Committee<>

For regular updates and the latest news, follow us on Twitter @cp_conf<>, or on Mastodon at<>.
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