Just a reminder – the deadline for the majority of ACM's 2009 awards is November 30, 2009 (the exceptions are listed below).
As part of its mission, ACM brings broad recognition to outstanding technical and professional achievements within the computing and information technology community. Each year our award committees evaluate the contributions of candidates for various awards that span a spectrum of professional and technological accomplishments.
Nominations by ACM members of those who deserve recognition for their contributions to the field of computing are welcomed.
The deadline for the following ACM awards is November 30, 2009:
A.M. Turing Award: http://awards.acm.org/homepage.cfm?awd=140
ACM – Infosys Foundation Award: http://awards.acm.org/homepage.cfm?awd=165
Distinguished Service Award: http://awards.acm.org/distinguished%5Fservice/
Doctoral Dissertation Award: http://awards.acm.org/doctoral%5Fdissertation/
Grace Murray Hopper Award: http://awards.acm.org/hopper/
Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award: http://awards.acm.org/kanellakis/
Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award: http://awards.acm.org/karlstrom/
Eugene L. Lawler Award for Humanitarian Contributions within Computer Science and Informatics:
http://awards.acm.org/lawler/ - Biennial
Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award: http://awards.acm.org/outstanding%5Fcontribution/
ACM – AAAI Allen Newell Award: http://awards.acm.org/newell/
Software System Award: http://awards.acm.org/software%5Fsystem/
ACM Senior Members: http://www.acm.org/awards/senior_member_nom_guide.html
For information on SIG Awards please see: http://www.acm.org/sigs/sig-awards
Here are the exceptions to the November 30th deadline.
ACM-W Athena Lecturer Award – Feb. 1, 2010: http://awards.acm.org/homepage.cfm?awd=166
ACM – IEEE CS Eckert-Mauchly Award - March 1, 2010: http://awards.acm.org/eckert%5Fmauchly/
ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award - July 1, 2010: http://awards.acm.org/homepage.cfm?awd=167
ACM Distinguished Member - July 31, 2010: http://www.acm.org/awards/distinguished_member_nom_guide.html
ACM Fellows - September 1, 2010: http://awards.acm.org/html/fellow_nom_guide.cfm
Please see Jim Horning's "Making the case for an ACM Fellow:" http://cacm.acm.org/blogs/blog-cacm/21034-making-the-case-for-an-acm-fellow/fulltext
ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award - October 30, 2010: http://awards.acm.org/html/dda.cfm
ACM Gordon Bell Prize – TBA: http://awards.acm.org/bell/
Please refer to the ACM Awards page, http://www.acm.org/awards/, for:
- award descriptions, and lists containing the names of the previous ACM Award winners and their citations,
- nomination procedures for the 2009 awards, including the membership of the 2009 Award Committees, and contact information for the chairs: http://awards.acm.org/html/award_nominations.cfm
Thank you.
C.C. Gotlieb, ACM Awards Committee Co-chair (ccg@cs.toronto.edu)
J.J. Horning, ACM Awards Committee Co-chair (horning@acm.org)
SGB Awards Committee Liaison: Robert A. Walker (walker@cs.kent.edu)
Rosemary McGuinness, ACM Awards Committee Liaison (mcguinness@acm.org)