Call for Papers
2010 Workshop on the Economics of
Networks, Systems, and Computation
(NetEcon '10)
October 3, 2010
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Sponsored by USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association,
in cooperation with ACM SIGecom
The organizing committee is delighted to invite you to contribute to
NetEcon '10, which will be co-located with the 9th USENIX Symposium on
Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '10, October 4-6,
The emergence of the Internet as a global platform for computation and
communication has sparked the development and deployment of many
large-scale networked systems. Often these systems involve multiple
stakeholders with divergent or even competing interests. Unmitigated
selfish behavior in these systems can lead to high inefficiency or
even complete collapse. Research interest in the application of
economic and game-theoretic principles to the design and analysis of
networked systems has grown in recent years. The NetEcon Workshop
promotes multi-disciplinary work and discussion about the role of
incentives in communication and computation.
It is our hope that NetEcon will serve as a feeder workshop, i.e.,
that expanded, polished versions of some NetEcon workshop papers will
appear later in major conference proceedings and refereed journals of
relevant research communities. Authors for whom publication in the
NetEcon online workshop papers would preclude later publication of an
expanded version in the relevant venue may elect to contribute only a
one-page abstract of their submitted paper to the NetEcon workshop
papers; such an abstract should include the URL of a working paper or
preprint that contains the main results presented at the NetEcon
Topics of interest to NetEcon '10 include but are not restricted to:
o Use of incentives and economic mechanisms in peer-to-peer systems,
grids, spam prevention, security, Internet routing and peering,
wireless networks, systems spanning multiple administrative
domains, and other computational systems
o Algorithmic mechanism design
o Methods for engineering incentives and disincentives (e.g.,
reputation, trust, control, accountability, anonymity, etc.)
o Mathematical modeling and analysis of strategic behavior (or the
lack thereof) in existing, deployed systems
o Empirical studies of strategic behavior, or the lack thereof, in
existing, deployed systems
o Critiques of existing models and solution concepts, as well as
proposals of better models and solution concepts
o Privacy, security, and anonymity in incentive-compatible
computational systems
Submission Instructions
Submissions of both technical papers and position papers are
encouraged. Submitted papers should contain original material: Papers
that have already appeared in conference proceedings or journals or
are currently under review are ineligible for consideration by NetEcon
'10. If you have questions about the eligibility of a potential
submission, please email the program co-chairs at Papers will be selected based on both
technical merit and potential to spark interesting discussion at the
Paper submissions should be at most 6 pages in length, including
figures but not counting the bibliography. Your paper should be
typeset in two-column format in 10 point type on 12 point
(single-spaced) leading, with a text block no more than 6.5" wide by
9" deep. Additional information (including detailed proofs or
experimental data) may be included in a clearly marked appendix that
will be read at the discretion of the program committee members.
Proposals for panel discussions are also solicited. Panel proposals
should be no longer than 2 pages in 10 point type or larger and should
contain a brief topic description, a list of specific questions that
the panel members will be expected to answer, the name and affiliation
of the moderator, and a list of at least three potential panel
members. (The final list of panelists need not be fixed before
Please see the conference web page
for detailed submission instructions.
Important Dates
Submissions due: Friday, June 4, 2010, 4:59 p.m. PDT (hard deadline)
Notification of acceptance: Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Final papers due: Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Workshop Organizers
Program Co-Chairs
Mike Dahlin, University of Texas at Austin
Milan Vojnovic, Microsoft Research
Program Committee
Yiling Chen, Harvard University
Peter Druschel, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Sharon Goldberg, Boston University and Microsoft Research
Ramesh Johari, Stanford University
Robert Kleinberg, Cornell University
Arvind Krishnamurthy, University of Washington
Jinyang Li, New York University
Laurent Massoulie, Thomson Research Paris
Vishal Misra, Columbia University
Thomas Moscibroda, Microsoft Research
Dan Rubenstein, Columbia University
Arun Venkataramani, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Edmund Yeh, Yale University
Haifeng Yu, National University of Singapore
Steering Committee
John Chuang, University of California, Berkeley
Nick Feamster, Georgia Institute of Technology
Joan Feigenbaum, Yale University
Daniel Grosu, Wayne State University
David Parkes, Harvard University
Emin Gun Sirer, Cornell University
Pavlos Spirakis, University of Patras
Milan Vojnovic, Microsoft Research
2010 Workshop on the Economics of
Networks, Systems, and Computation
(NetEcon '10)
October 3, 2010
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Sponsored by USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association,
in cooperation with ACM SIGecom
The organizing committee is delighted to invite you to contribute to
NetEcon '10, which will be co-located with the 9th USENIX Symposium on
Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '10, October 4-6,
The emergence of the Internet as a global platform for computation and
communication has sparked the development and deployment of many
large-scale networked systems. Often these systems involve multiple
stakeholders with divergent or even competing interests. Unmitigated
selfish behavior in these systems can lead to high inefficiency or
even complete collapse. Research interest in the application of
economic and game-theoretic principles to the design and analysis of
networked systems has grown in recent years. The NetEcon Workshop
promotes multi-disciplinary work and discussion about the role of
incentives in communication and computation.
It is our hope that NetEcon will serve as a feeder workshop, i.e.,
that expanded, polished versions of some NetEcon workshop papers will
appear later in major conference proceedings and refereed journals of
relevant research communities. Authors for whom publication in the
NetEcon online workshop papers would preclude later publication of an
expanded version in the relevant venue may elect to contribute only a
one-page abstract of their submitted paper to the NetEcon workshop
papers; such an abstract should include the URL of a working paper or
preprint that contains the main results presented at the NetEcon
Topics of interest to NetEcon '10 include but are not restricted to:
o Use of incentives and economic mechanisms in peer-to-peer systems,
grids, spam prevention, security, Internet routing and peering,
wireless networks, systems spanning multiple administrative
domains, and other computational systems
o Algorithmic mechanism design
o Methods for engineering incentives and disincentives (e.g.,
reputation, trust, control, accountability, anonymity, etc.)
o Mathematical modeling and analysis of strategic behavior (or the
lack thereof) in existing, deployed systems
o Empirical studies of strategic behavior, or the lack thereof, in
existing, deployed systems
o Critiques of existing models and solution concepts, as well as
proposals of better models and solution concepts
o Privacy, security, and anonymity in incentive-compatible
computational systems
Submission Instructions
Submissions of both technical papers and position papers are
encouraged. Submitted papers should contain original material: Papers
that have already appeared in conference proceedings or journals or
are currently under review are ineligible for consideration by NetEcon
'10. If you have questions about the eligibility of a potential
submission, please email the program co-chairs at Papers will be selected based on both
technical merit and potential to spark interesting discussion at the
Paper submissions should be at most 6 pages in length, including
figures but not counting the bibliography. Your paper should be
typeset in two-column format in 10 point type on 12 point
(single-spaced) leading, with a text block no more than 6.5" wide by
9" deep. Additional information (including detailed proofs or
experimental data) may be included in a clearly marked appendix that
will be read at the discretion of the program committee members.
Proposals for panel discussions are also solicited. Panel proposals
should be no longer than 2 pages in 10 point type or larger and should
contain a brief topic description, a list of specific questions that
the panel members will be expected to answer, the name and affiliation
of the moderator, and a list of at least three potential panel
members. (The final list of panelists need not be fixed before
Please see the conference web page
for detailed submission instructions.
Important Dates
Submissions due: Friday, June 4, 2010, 4:59 p.m. PDT (hard deadline)
Notification of acceptance: Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Final papers due: Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Workshop Organizers
Program Co-Chairs
Mike Dahlin, University of Texas at Austin
Milan Vojnovic, Microsoft Research
Program Committee
Yiling Chen, Harvard University
Peter Druschel, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Sharon Goldberg, Boston University and Microsoft Research
Ramesh Johari, Stanford University
Robert Kleinberg, Cornell University
Arvind Krishnamurthy, University of Washington
Jinyang Li, New York University
Laurent Massoulie, Thomson Research Paris
Vishal Misra, Columbia University
Thomas Moscibroda, Microsoft Research
Dan Rubenstein, Columbia University
Arun Venkataramani, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Edmund Yeh, Yale University
Haifeng Yu, National University of Singapore
Steering Committee
John Chuang, University of California, Berkeley
Nick Feamster, Georgia Institute of Technology
Joan Feigenbaum, Yale University
Daniel Grosu, Wayne State University
David Parkes, Harvard University
Emin Gun Sirer, Cornell University
Pavlos Spirakis, University of Patras
Milan Vojnovic, Microsoft Research