Saturday, May 8, 2010

CCC 2010: Nominations for the conference committee

Each year, the IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity elects one new member of the conference committee. This committee is the executive committee for the conference.  The committee chooses the program committee chair, has a say in the program committee membership, picks sites for the annual meetings and considers other issues which affect the conference. We meet once a year, at the Complexity Conference, and have frequent email communication.


The election will be held at the business meeting of this year's conference in Paris.  The meeting will begin at 8:30pm on Thursday, June 10th.  If you wish to nominate someone (including yourself) please send an email to the current committee chair, Peter Bro Miltersen (


The conference committee consists of


- a chair (with a 3-year term)

- a publicity chair (no limit on term)

- a past chair (during transition periods)

- 6 other members each with 3-year terms, selected as follows: Each year, the terms of 2 members expire, and they are replaced by 2 new members.  One of these members is elected at the business meeting at the conference, and one member is appointed by the committee.


Current membership and term expirations of the conference committee are:


-    Peter Bro Miltersen (chair; 2012)

-    Pierre McKenzie (immediate past chair; 2009)

-    Chris Umans (2010)

-    Paul Beame (2010)

-    Scott Aaronson (2011)

-    Ronan Shaltiel (2011)

-    Manindra Agrawal (2012)

-    Johan HÃ¥stad (2012)

-    John Rogers (publicity chair)


Some recent members of the conference committee include:


-    Eric Allender, Pavel Pudlak (terms expired in 2009)

-    Dieter van Melkebeek, Salil Vadhan (terms expired 2008)

-    Anna Gal, Luca Trevisan (terms expired 2007)

-    Avi Wigderson, Harry Buhrman (terms expired 2006)

-    Peter Bro Miltersen, Michael Saks (terms expired 2005)

-    Toniann Pitassi, Manindra Agrawal (terms expired 2004)

-    Pierre McKenzie, Alexander Razborov (terms expired 2003)

-    Madhu Sudan, Jack Lutz (terms expired 2002)

-    Harry Buhrman, Russell Impagliazzo (terms expired 2001)

-    Richard Beigel, Jacobo Toran (terms expired 2000)

-    Jin-Yi Cai, Avi Wigderson (terms expired 1999)

-    Anne Condon, Lance Fortnow (terms expired 1998)

-    Eric Allender, Joan Feigenbaum (terms expired 1997)

-    Noam Nisan, Uwe Schoening (terms expired 1996)


Past chairs:


-    Pierre McKenzie (term expired in 2009

-    Lance Fortnow (term expired 2006)

-    Eric Allender (term expired 2000)

-    Steve Homer (term expired 1997)

-    Luc Longpre (publicity chair, term expired 2002)