Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Postdoctoral research associate in trusted computing

Responsibilities: A postdoctoral research position is available for work on
an NSF-funded project in trusted computing in the Department of Computer
Science at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. This is a
one-year appointment, with the possibility of renewal for a second year.
This project involves formal modeling of (and rigorous reasoning about)
protocols designed using hardware-assisted security in general, and trusted
computing technology in particular. Experience in cryptography or computer
security is vital, and prior experience with trusted computing technology is
helpful. Proficiency in formal areas of computer science and writing proofs,
whether in cryptography or more general theoretical computer science, is
also a very valuable skill for this position. The postdoctoral researcher
will also be expected to contribute to the design of software libraries that
parallel the formal models, and to help supervise master's and bachelor's
level students developing this software.

For more information, see