Wednesday, August 16, 2023

[DMANET] PhD Position in Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization (Bremen)

PhD Student Position in Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization
University of Bremen, Germany

A PhD position is available at the Chair for Combinatorial Optimization
headed by Prof. Nicole Megow in the Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science at the University of Bremen.

The group's research is in the areas of combinatorial optimization,
efficient algorithms, approximation algorithms, optimization under
uncertainty such as online, stochastic, or robust optimization, and
integrating machine learning into optimization.

The position is a full-time position for three years and provides a
competitive salary with social benefits according to the Federal German
Payment scale TV-L 13.

Applicants should
- have a master's degree in mathematics or computer science
- have a strong interest in discrete optimization, algorithm theory,
optimization under uncertainty, and
- be highly motivated.

The application material includes
- a CV
- your Master's thesis
- transcripts
- a letter of motivation.

Please send the material to

Applications will be reviewed starting from September 15.

For any question, do not hesitate to contact:

Nicole Megow
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