Thursday, August 3, 2023

[DMANET] Research associate in Health Care Management - Mines Saint-Etienne/LIMOS

A fully funded research associate position is opened in the Health Care Engineering Center (CIS) of Mines Saint-Etienne and LIMOS CNRS lab.

In short.

• Profile:
- A PhD degree in Computer Science, Operations Research, Applied Mathematics or a related field.
- Excellent verbal communication skills in English.
- Experience in optimisation algorithms or machine learning algorithms is a plus.
- Experience in health care applications is a plus.
• Work Hours: Full Time - no teaching duty
• Contract Type: Renewable 12-months fixed-term contract
• Location: Saint-Etienne (France)
• Internal Title: "Maître Assistant Associé"
• Salary: Related to your experience

Contact: [ | ] - Thierry Garaix

1) Job Description:

Mines Saint-Etienne is recruiting a research associate (renewable 1-year fixed-term contract) with a broad profile in data science techniques and operations research for applications in health.
The research will be conducted within the ODPS axis of LIMOS (
Prior experience in the health field is not required at the beginning, but integration will revolve around topics supported by the members of the I4S department ( There is no teaching load associated with the position, but teaching is possible, and involvement in co-supervising the Master of Science in Health Management and Data Intelligence (HMDI) is expected. (
The research and teaching duties will primarily be conducted on the Saint-Etienne campus.

Teaching - The main mission is to co-pilot the Master's degree program in HMDI, which is operated in collaboration with EM Lyon. This includes conducting recruitment interviews,
providing personalized student support, organizing defenses, and acting as an interface between various stakeholders and the administrative team.
Participation in teaching activities in this Master's program or other programs within the school will be considered based on the candidate's profile and the needs.

Research - The research will be carried out at LIMOS (UMR CNRS 6158), with a primary focus on ODPS (Decision Tools for Production and Services) and a secondary focus on SIC
(Information and Communication Systems).

The candidate will have the opportunity to integrate or develop research activities related to
the development of decision support methods or systems analysis in the field of healthcare

2) Procedure
The application files must include:
· A cover letter
· A curriculum vitae detailing teaching activities, research work, and optionally, relationships
with the economic and industrial sectors (maximum 10 pages)
· At the discretion of the candidates, letters of recommendation
· Copy of the doctoral degree (or Ph.D.)
· Copy of an identification document
Application files must be submitted via the RECRUITEE platform.
(for a starting date in early October) using the following link:
[ | ]

The candidates selected for an interview will be notified as soon as possible

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