Monday, December 4, 2023

[DMANET] 27th POC Seminar on Dec 15th - "Recent progress and interesting facts about the Simplex Algorithm"

Dear colleagues,

This is a reminder of the 27th seminar of the POC group (the French
Polyhedra and Combinatorial Optimization group) on December 15th at the
ESSEC Business School campus at La Défense (Paris). The topic of this
edition of SPOC is "Recent progress and interesting facts about the Simplex
Algorithm" and it will include the talks of some distinguished experts in
the field.

*The seminar is free of charge but registration is mandatory.* You can
register at

Here's the schedule of the seminar:

09h00 - 09h30 : Reception, coffee and viennoiseries
09h30 - 10h30 : Daniel Dadush (CWI Institute, Netherlands) - "Interior
point methods are not worse than Simplex"
10h30 - 11h00 : Coffee break
11h00 - 12h00 : Quentin Louveaux (Institut Montefiore, Université de Liège,
Belgium) - "Monotone paths in polyhedra and the greatest improvement rule"
12h00 - 14h00 : Lunch break
14h00 - 15h00 : Xavier Allamigeon (INRIA / CMAP, École Polytechnique,
France) - "No self-concordant barrier interior point method is strongly
15h00 - 15h30 : Coffee break
15h30 - 16h30 : Sophie Huiberts (CNRS / LIMOS, France) - "Open problems
about the simplex method"

The day before the seminar, on the afternoon of Thursday, December 14th, we
are pleased to announce an "outside the walls" meeting of the POC group,
also at the ESSEC campus at La Défense. This half-day is dedicated to
presentations by PhD students and young doctors about different topics of
combinatorial optimization, in particular those topics related to the POC
group themes. This opportunity is designed to present the students current
work, as well as their research topics, in an informal context.

*Those interested in presenting their work* please send their name,
affiliation, and a talk title to For this event,
we are considering short presentations, 20 minutes maximum.

We hope to see you at SPOC27 for an exciting seminar!

Emiliano LANCINI (Université Paris Dauphine - PSL) and Diego DELLE DONNE

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