Wednesday, December 20, 2023

[DMANET] Assistant Professor Position in Discrete Mathematics at Utrecht University

Utrecht University has opened a call for applications for the position of Assistant Professor in Discrete Mathematics. Specific areas of interest include, but are not restricted to, combinatorics, graph theory (including random graph theory and graph algorithms), and the mathematical theory of optimisation. In view of our policy to improve the gender balance we strongly encourage women to apply.

The deadline for applications is January 18th 2024. Applications should be submitted here (click APPLY NOW):


* a PhD in mathematics or related discipline; preferably related to the described research areas;
* a collection of significant research achievements;
* a proven track record of international publications in leading publication venues;
* high potential for the acquisition of external research funds;
* ability to (co-)supervise PhD candidates and Postdocs;
* commitment to teaching and the ability to teach in and develop material for the Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Mathematics as well as service education;
* commitment to supervision of BSc and MSc students;
* active involvement in organising and participating in (inter-)national scientific activities;
* a track record in or ideas for outreach activities and public engagement;
* ideas for collaboration with Mathematics at TU Eindhoven and/or Computer Science at Utrecht;

Employment Conditions:

* an appointment at the level of Assistant Professor (0.8 - 1.0 FTE), with the prospect of a permanent employment contract following a positive evaluation after at most 18 months;
* a full-time gross salary, depending on previous qualifications and experience, ranging from €4,332 to €5,929 in scale 11 according to the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities (CAO);
* 8% holiday bonus and 8.3% end-of-year bonus;
* a pension scheme, partially paid parental leave, and flexible employment conditions based on the CAO.

Application Materials:

* letter of motivation (including your best past accomplishments in team work and leadership roles);
* curriculum vitae, including a publication list;
* research statement (no longer than three pages (A4), including background, past accomplishments and future plans);
* teaching statement (no longer than two pages (A4), including teaching vision, past accomplishments and future plans);
* three names of contacts that we can ask for a reference letter.

Additional Information:

For questions regarding the position please contact Dr Wioletta Ruszel ( ).

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