Sunday, December 17, 2023

[DMANET] HIIT doctoral researcher positions at Aalto University and University of Helsinki

The Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT) is a joint
initiative by Aalto University and the University of Helsinki, the two
leading universities within this area in Finland. The network involves
at present over 80 professors and over 200 doctoral students, and the
participating units graduate altogether more than 40 new doctors each year.

Researchers from Aalto University and the University of Helsinki are
looking for Doctoral Researchers in multiple areas of ICT. We offer an
exciting opportunity to join world-class research groups. Our
researchers have positions available in the following research areas:

* Ambient Intelligence
* Automated Reasoning
* Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
* Bayesian Inference/ Bayesian Statistics
* Computational Health/ Life science informatics
* Human Computer Interaction
* Software Engineering

In the application you can apply to work with one or a number of
supervisors listed in the recruitment call. We actively work to ensure
our community's diversity and inclusiveness. This is why we warmly
encourage qualified candidates from all backgrounds to join our community.

*The online application form closes on January 21, 2024 11:59pm Finnish
time *(23:59 EET, UTC+2).

Ready to Apply?

In order to find the best match between candidates and supervisors, all
applicants need to describe their research interests and how they see
themselves contributing to the research in the Helsinki area ICT community.

/Required attachments:/

*1. Letter of motivation (two pages maximum) *Please describe your
background and future plans, and in particular the reasons for selecting
the supervisor (you can get more information on the supervisors through
their web pages). Try to make your motivation letter as convincing as
possible, so that the potential supervisors get interested. You do not
have to write several motivation letters in case you apply for multiple
projects, but if you prefer you can attach separate letters for
individual projects.

*2. A curriculum vitae and list of publications* with complete study and
employment history (please see an example CV at Europass pages

*3. A study transcript of the M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees *provided by the
applicant's university that lists studies completed and grades achieved.

*4. A copy of the M.Sc. degree and B.Sc. certificate. *In the Finnish
university system, a person must have a Master's degree in order to
enroll for doctoral studies. If the degree is still pending, then a plan
for its completion must be provided. (The letter describing the
completion plan can be free-format)

*5. Contact details of possible referees *from 2 senior academic people.
We will contact your referees, if recommendation letters are required.

All materials should be submitted in English in a PDF format. Note:
files should be 5MB max. You can upload up to five files to the
eRecruitment system, each 5MB.

In the evaluation of the candidates, emphasis is put on the quality of
the candidate's previous research and international experience as well
as the innovativeness, impact potential, and feasibility of the research

Candidates short-listed may be invited for an interview either at the
Otaniemi or Kumpula campus or for an interview conducted via Zoom.

For more information about the supervisors in the call and the
recruitment process, please visit the HIIT website:

*Contact Information: *

Please contact the HIIT Coordinator for any questions regarding these
positions or with questions about the Workday system at

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