Monday, December 18, 2023

[DMANET] PhD position in Marseille

Fully funded 3-year PhD position in theoretical computer science in the
MoVe team, LIS, Aix-Marseille Univ, Marseille, France, with flexible
starting date in 2024.

The broad area of the PhD will be automata, logic and games for
verification and synthesis. The student will join the QuaSy [1] project,
of which the aim is to study how restricted forms of nondeterminism can
be used to address quantitative synthesis problems.

_*The position*_
The student will integrate the MoVe (Modelisation and verification) team
and be supervised by Karoliina Lehtinen and Benjamin Monmege. There will
be opportunities to attend research events and visit other research
groups during the thesis.

The position does not include teaching duties, but the students will
have opportunities to participate in teaching should they wish to.

The position is located at the Luminy Campus in Marseille, within the
forests of the Calanques National Parc, a short hike from the sea.

_*Job requirements.*_

The candidate should have a masters lever degree in computer science,
mathematics or related subject, solid foundations in theoretical
computer science, and a drive for research in the area. Experience with
automata, logic and related subjects is useful but not a requirement.

The working language can be French or English; fluency in one of these
is required. Knowledge of french is not a requirement.


The application should contain the following documents:

* a letter of motivation explaining your interest in the position and
your qualifications for it,
* your curriculum vitae,
* grade transcripts,
* abstract in English of your master's thesis,
* a writing sample, for example your master's/bachelor's thesis, a
project report, research paper or project proposal.
* the contact details of at least two referees, who can be contacted
for a letter of reference

If you are interested, we invite you to apply before February 28th,
2024. Interviews will be held online shortly thereafter.

Please send your application or queries about the position or
application process to lehtinen at lis-lab dot fr with "PhD QuaSy" in
the subject.

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