Sunday, December 10, 2023

[DMANET] Post-doc positions at Tel Aviv University

The School of Mathematical Sciences at Tel Aviv University invites applications for post-doctoral fellowships in combinatorics for a period of one or two years, with a possibility of extending for an additional, third year. The fellowship would commence on October 1, 2024, but the starting date is flexible.

The School of Mathematical Sciences is a leading international research institution in mathematics. It has a large and active research group in combinatorics (three permanent faculty members, post-docs, and many research students), with a weekly research seminar. Further information about the School, including a list of our faculty, is available on our web site

We welcome applications from candidates specialising in combinatorics, who (will) have completed a Ph.D. degree in mathematics (or theoretical computer science) before the start of the fellowship. Preference will be given to applicants whose research interests are compatible with those of the relevant faculty in the School and who (will have) completed their Ph.D. degree on or after October 1, 2022. Post-doctoral fellowships are strictly research positions and do not carry any teaching obligations.

Stipends are approximately 155,000 Israeli shekels per year (and tax-free) and are commensurable with entry-level academic salaries in Israel. Additional funds for research-related travel will also be available.

Candidates should arrange the following application materials to be sent to Ms. Nurit Liberman at<>, with a cc sent to<>:
- CV
- List of publications
- Research statement
- Three letters of recommendation

The deadline for applications is January 15, 2024. Applications received after the deadline will be considered if positions remain open.

Michael Krivelevich, Wojciech Samotij, and Asaf Shapira
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