Monday, August 19, 2024

[DMANET] PhD position on Graph Algorithms

There is a 4-year PhD position opening in the Theoretical Computer Science group at VU Amsterdam. The position is focused on graph algorithms (including dynamic algorithms, parallel/distributed algorithms, and optimization) and will be supervised by Yasamin Nazari ( Successful candidates should demonstrate mathematical maturity and a strong background in algorithms.

Interested applicants may submit the following application material by email to
- CV including any publications or ongoing research projects and English test scores (if available)
- Bachelor and masters transcripts
- Writing sample (e.g. manuscripts or draft of the masters thesis)
- Contact information of (ideally two) reference providers who will be contacted if the applicant is shortlisted.

The candidate will have the chance to collaborate with Amsterdam's vibrant TCS community:
Applications submitted by September 6th will receive full consideration, however applications continue to be processed until the position is filled. Start date is negotiable.

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