Wednesday, August 14, 2024

[DMANET] ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation

ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (TEAC) is now in its 12th
year. This is a reminder that ACM TEAC welcomes submissions in all areas
of Algorithmic Game Theory. We would especially like to encourage more
submissions in topics at the intersection of AGT and machine learning. For
authors of suitable papers that appeared in ML conferences, it's an opportunity
to highlight the connection with the Economics/CS interface.
It's also worth reminding that we welcome papers from the Economics community
that have a computational aspect that they would like to highlight.
There's a guideline for the journal that submissions should contain at least
25% new material, which can include proofs that were omitted from a conference
version. We also encourage submissions of survey and expository papers, and
are happy to discuss any ideas you might have for those, or indeed other suggestions.

Best regards
Paul Goldberg and Utku Ünver, editors-in-chief

Paul Goldberg

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