Thursday, August 8, 2024

[DMANET] [Due Ext Sept 06] Cloud + HPC + AI + Data Conference, Oct 1-3, USA & Online

[Due extended - Apologies for cross-posting]
--- Call for Abstracts and Papers -------------
2024 OkIP International Conference on Cloud(CCCT) + HPC(AHPC) + AI(CAIS)
+ Data(CDTE)
Downtown Oklahoma City, OK, USA & Online
October 1-3, 2024

OkIP Published & Submission to SCOPUS/WoS
Deadline Extended: Sept 06, 2024
Extended versions of the best papers will be considered for publication.

>>> Cloud Computing and Technologies (CCCT)
- Cloud Advanced Concepts
- Applications and Services
- Security/Privacy/Compliance
- Platform/Provisioning/Storage
- Infrastructure/AI in the Cloud
- More details here...

>>> Advances in High-Performance Computing (AHPC)
- Parallel/Distributed Computing
- Mobile & Wireless Computing
- Network Architecture/System
- HPC AI/Simulation/Security
- HPC Applications
- More details here...

>>> Automated and Intelligent Systems (CAIS)
- AI, Generative AI, ML, LLMs and Applications
- Agent-based, Automated, and Distributed Supports
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Intelligent Systems and Applications
- Knowledge-based and Control Supports
- Automation, Robotics and Vehicles
- Global AI
- Generative AI Tools and Models
- AI in Computing and Society
- AI in Education
- AI Engineering
- Software Engineering for AI
- Circuit, Design, and Hardware for AI
- More details here...

>>> Data Technology and Engineering (CDTE)
- Data Advanced Concepts
- Data Analytics and Processing
- Databases
- AI in Data and Big Data
- Data and Databases Applications
- Data and Legal Issues
- More details here...

>>> Contribution Types (Two-Column IEEE Format Style):
- Full Paper: Accomplished research results (6 pages)
- Short Paper: Work in progress/fresh developments (3 pages)
- Extended Abstract/Poster/Journal First: Displayed/Oral presented (1

Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries at:
Kris Zeuti
OkIP Secretariat
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