Monday, August 26, 2024

[DMANET] Season 4 of the Robust Optimization Webinar (ROW)

The new season of the Robust Optimization Webinar (ROW) will start on September 6. We will have bi-weekly online talks about various topics related to robust optimization. For receiving updates and the Zoom link for the talks you can join our mailing list and calendar. All information can be found on our webpage:

Upcoming speakers:

* September 6: Daniel Kuhn (EPFL)
* September 20: Hoda Bidkhori (Goerge Mason University)
* October 4: Daniël Vos (Delft University of Technology) and Michael Hartisch (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
* October 18: Adam Kasperski (Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
* November 1: Merve Bodur (University of Edinburgh)
* November 15: Bart van Parys (CWI)
* November 29: Rosario Paradiso (Vrije University Amsterdam)
* December 13: Simon Thomä (RWTH Aachen University) and Martina Cerulli (University of Salerno)

We hope to see you soon!

Ahmadreza Marandi and Jannis Kurtz

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