Friday, August 16, 2024

[DMANET] PhD position in parameterized algorithms in Bergen

The University of Bergen invites applications for a PhD Research Fellow in Algorithms. The position is within the Algorithms research group, focusing on graph algorithms, parameterized complexity, and algorithm engineering. The fellowship lasts four years, including 25% teaching duties. The candidate will work closely with experts and contribute to ongoing research projects. Applicants should have a strong background in theoretical computer science.

The role involves contributing to cutting-edge research in both theoretical and applied algorithms, with a focus on parameterized graph algorithms and their applications, such as social networks, robotics, and data clustering.

Beyond research excellence, the group has an active community, with weekly theory seminars, and hosting annual winter schools in the mountains. These three-day events combine skiing with academic content through lectures and mini-courses by leading experts. It's a fun opportunity to bond with fellow researchers. The group has also organized several workshops and conferences, including Eurocomb, SWAT, and last year's FPT Fest.

Our research focuses in large parts on NP-hard problems from a parameterized perspective. We work on exact, approximation algorithms, and heuristics. Notably, we placed 2nd in heuristics for the PACE challenge in 2023, won the parameterized track, and placed 2nd in heuristics track in 2024.

Three reasons to move to Bergen:

1. The Algorithm Group at the University of Bergen is renowned for its contributions to the parameterized algorithms community, especially in parameterized graph algorithms.

2. Scenic beauty and outdoor activities: Surrounded by fjords, mountains, and the sea, Bergen offers good opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking and skiing.

3. Rich cultural heritage: Bergen's cultural scene features music festivals, museums, and UNESCO World Heritage sites such as Bryggen and the West Norwegian Fjords.

Application deadline is September 1st.

Find the full announcement at Jobbnorge:

Best wishes,
Pål Grønås Drange
Associate Professor

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