PhD POSITION in Operations Research
TITLE : robust optimization global solutions for the dynamic management
of a container terminal, coupled with the scheduling of the arrivals and
LOCATION : Le Havre University, France
FEES : PhD thesis grant by the french ministry of research
BEGINNING : september 2012
Supervisors in Le Havre University:
Sophie Michel (LMAH applied mathematics, team Optimization and
Operations Research) ;
Stefan Balev and Eric Sanlaville (LITIS Computerscience, team
Interaction networks and collective intelligence).
The container management on a port terminal depends heavily on the
transportation tools used, to bring in and out the container : the
arrival and departure areas, the choice (subject to many constraints) of
the time windows for arrival and departure,will have a strong impact on
the container placement, and on the container moves inside the terminal
(this is even more true for a multi-modal terminal or plateform).
The goal of the thesis is to study these interactions. The case of
containers subject to transshipment from the same crane (from a long
range vessel to a boat devoted to short sea shipping, or to a river
barge) will be studied first. The PhD student will propose a decision
aid tool integrating the scheduling of the arrivals and departures of
the ships and the dynamic management of the terminal. Then the tool will
be extended to other transportation modes.
The thesis will link axes 1 and 2 of the « container port passage »
project that began in october 2010. It will benefit from the experiences
of both research laboratories.
The LMAH will bring its skills in optimizations and its knowledge about
transshipment problems. The LITIS will bring its skills in robust
decision aid, and its exprience on dynamic management (taking
uncertainties into account) of a container terminal.
The candidate will own a master or equivalent in applied mathematics or
computer science, with knowledges in Operations Resarch. A first
experience in logistics or production management will be appreciated.
He/she should be open minded and have communication skills to integrate
both research teams, and to build a bridge between them. Hence he/she
should have knowledges in both domains of applied mathematics and
computer science, and shoud be able to put these knowledges in synergy.
Feel free to contact the supervisors for any additional information.
CV and motivation should be sent before the 25th of mai 2012 to :
{_michels, stefan.balev, eric.sanlaville}
project (in french) :
Eric Sanlaville
professeur, université du Havre
responsable du parcours informatique du Master 1 math-info.
coordinateur de SFLOG, la Structure Fédérative en LOGistique de
l'université du Havre
laboratoire LITIS-EA 41-08
équipe RI2C : Réseaux d'Interaction et Intelligence Collective.
Eric Sanlaville - LITIS (EA 4108)
UFR Sciences et Techniques
25 rue Ph. Lebon - BP 540
76058 Le Havre Cedex - FRANCE
Tel : +33 232 744 548
Fax : +33 232 744 314
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