Friday, May 4, 2012

Submission deadline WTTM 2012 workshop extended to May 9, also note submission link

WTTM 2012 Call for Papers

The Fourth Workshop on the Theory of Transactional Memory (WTTM 2012)
(held in conjunction with PODC 2012)
19 July 2012
Madeira, Portugal.

The Fourth Workshop on the Theory of Transactional Memory is a forum to foster exchanges, discussions, and disseminations between researchers of speculative solutions for concurrent programming.
The objective is to discuss theoretical challenges, achievements and directions in the context of transactional computing. The scope of the workshop includes, but is not limited to:

* concurrency improvements
* computational complexity
* concurrent programming languages
* consistency criteria
* concurrent algorithms
* transactional models
* progress properties
* verification of concurrent programs

We solicit submissions describing recent results and/or positions relevant to the theory of transactional memory to be presented and discussed (and defended) at the workshop.
As a major goal of the workshop is to explore new directions and approaches for reasoning about transactional memory, we especially encourage the submission of ongoing work,
as well as position papers and case studies of existing projects.
Submissions should be in PDF and include title, author information, and a 3-4 page abstract. Submitting to WTTM 2012 does not disallow you to submit later the same work (or an extended version of it) to some other conference.

Please submit by May 9 on EasyChair at:

Accepted submissions will each be allotted around 15 minutes for presentation (exact time will depend on the final number of presentations). In addition, there will be significant time allotted for discussion.

Program Committee:
Aleksandar Dragojevic (EPFL, Switzerland)
Annette Bieniusa (LIP6, France)
Pascal Felber (University of Neuchatel, Switzerland)
Vincent Gramoli (EPFL and University of Sydney)
Petr Kuznetsov (TU Berlin/Deutsche Telekom Labs)
Victor Luchangco (Sun Labs, Oracle, MA)
Alessia Milani (LaBRI, France)
Dmitri Perelman (Technion, Israel)
Michel Raynal (Université de Rennes and IUF)
Michael Spear (Lehigh University, PA)

Invited speakers:
Faith Ellen (University of Toronto)
Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL)
Maurice Herlihy (Brown University)
Maged Michael (IBM Research)
Nir Shavit (MIT)

Important Dates:
Submissions due by: 9 May 2012 (extended)
Acceptance notification: 1 June 2012 (extended)
Workshop date: 19 July 2012

The WTTM organizers
Alessia Milani
Panagiota Fatourou
Vincent Gramoli