We are seeking for a postdoctoral researcher for the research project
Combinatorial Optimization with Competing Agents (COCA) funded by the
French Science Foundation (ANR). This position is available for one year.
Expected starting date: September 2012.
The applicant should have a good experience in some of the following fields:
Combinatorial Optimization
Algorithmic Game Theory
Good communication skills are also necessary. The applicant should have a
PhD in computer science, discrete mathematics or related fields.
Interested applicants should e-mail curriculum vitae, publication list, a
cover letter expressing research interests and areas, and the contact
information for two references to Laurent Gourves
(laurent.gourves@dauphine.fr) and Bruno Escoffier
(bruno.escoffier@dauphine.fr), before May 31st 2012. Decision in june 2012.
The project will take place at the laboratories LAMSADE (University
Paris-Dauphine) and LIP6 (University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris).
For more information, you can go to the website of the project (in French):
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