Combinatorics Meeting (Glasgow, 26th-27th April 2016) is approaching:
please register by 30th March if you intend to attend any part of this
event - see below for more details. There are also still some slots
available for research students to give short presentations on their work
(and some limited funds for student speakers' travel costs) - please
contact Kitty Meeks as soon as possible if you are interested!
The Second Scottish Combinatorics Meeting will take place at the
University of Glasgow on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th April 2016.
Everyone with an
interest in combinatorics and its applications is warmly invited to
attend this meeting.
Attendance at the meeting is free, but for catering purposes
participants are asked to register (at by 30th March.
The exact schedule is still to be confirmed, but talks will not start
before 10:30am and will finish by 5pm, hopefully allowing many
to attend as a day trip.
The invited speakers are:
Marthe Bonamy (LaBRI Bordeaux)
Mark Dukes (Strathclyde)
Jessica Enright (Stirling)
Michael Fellows (Bergen)
Jennie Hansen (Heriot Watt)
Sophie Huczynska (St Andrews)
Colin McDiarmid (Oxford)
Frances Rosamond (Department of Informatics, University of Bergen)
There will also be an opportunity for research students to give short
(15 minute) presentations on their work, and limited funds are
available to
assist with the travel expenses of students presenting their work.
Please contact Kitty Meeks for more information.
More information about the event is available
This event is supported by the Glasgow Mathematical Journal Trust, the
British Combinatorial Committee, the Scottish Informatics and Computer
Science Alliance and the Edinburgh Mathematical Society.
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