Short term Visiting Researcher for Distributed Algorithms
Hamburg University of Technology (Germany) is offering a visiting
academic research fellowship for up to three months in 2016 for a
postdoctoral researcher or a doctoral candidate in the area of
distributed algorithms. The candidate will participate in the research
project "Fault tolerant middleware idioms based on self-stabilizing
This project is conducted by the Institute of Telematics and is funded
by the German Research Foundation. In particular it is expected that
the candidate participates in the project's research in one of the
following areas (or closely related):
"Efficient Overlay Structures for Wireless Networks",
"Self-stabilizing Publish/Subscribe Middleware",
"Self-stabilizing Routing"
Candidates should have an excellent M.S. in computer science or
computer engineering, good English language skills (written and
spoken), demonstrated background in design and analysis of distributed
algorithms or fault tolerant distributed systems.
The fellowship covers subsistence of the fellow only and not of
dependents (1500 - 2000 EURO per month). For further information about
the research fellowship, please contact Prof. Volker Turau at Hamburg
University of Technology ( Complete
applications including cover letter, CV, copies of graduate
certificates, list of publications, references, and date and length of
visit should be submitted via E-mail in a SINGLE PDF file to Prof. Dr.
Volker Turau, Technical University of Hamburg, Germany,
turau(AT) There is no concrete deadline, applications will be
considered until a suitable candidate is found.
Prof. Dr. Volker Turau
Hamburg University of Technology
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3
D-21073 Hamburg
Tel.: (+4940) 42878-3530
Fax: (+4940) 42878-2581
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