Friday, March 10, 2017

[DMANET] Workshop on Random Graphs and Random Processes - King's College London

King's College London will be hosting a joint one-day Workshop on Random Graphs and Random Processes on the 25th April, 2017. The workshop looks at recent work in the area of random structures and algorithms and random processes on networks, Of particular interest are threshold behaviours, the short term dynamics of processes during approach to equilibrium, the time taken to reach equilibrium and algorithmic efficiency. The workshop will include talks by the following speakers;

Fabio Caccioli (UCL), Alan Frieze (CMU), Leslie Ann Goldberg (Oxford), Reimer Kuehn (KCL), Riccardo Margiotta (KCL), Nicolas Rivera (KCL), Thomas Sauerwald (Cambridge), Fiona Skerman (Bristol), Gregory Sorkin (LSE) and Andrew Wade (Durham).

Attendance is free, but if you plan to attend, it would be helpful if you could register at our website, where further details are available;<>

The workshop has been organised jointly between the Department of Informatics and Department of Mathematics at King's College, and the School of Computing, University of Leeds. The organisers are Colin Cooper, Martin Dyer, Reimer Kuehn, Andrew McDowell, Tomasz Radzik and Peter Sollich.

Thanks to support from the LMS, we will be able to provide some support towards travel costs for UK-based research students. For enquiries contact Andrew McDowell (<>).

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