Monday, November 18, 2019

[DMANET] Postdoc and PhD-student positions in combinatorics at the University of Heidelberg

There is a newly established combinatorics and theoretical computer
science group led by Felix Joos at the University of Heidelberg, Germany.

There are several positions available to be filled with postdocs and PhD
students funded by the University of Heidelberg and the Emmy Noether
grant „Substructures of large Objects" awarded by the German Research
Foundation (DFG). Candidates with research interests in graph theory,
extremal combinatorics and algorithms are sought.

The expected start date is between 1st of March 2020 and 1st of October
2020. The length of the postdoc positions as well as the starting date
can be negotiated. The default length is two years for a postdoc
position and three years for a PhD position. Extensions are possible.
All positions come with generous travel funding and a low teaching

Applications received until 15th December 2019 to receive full consideration.

Applicants for the postdoc position please send a research statement,
CV, a publication list and a list of at least two people who can be
contacted for a letter of recommendation. Applicants for the PhD
positions please send their most recent thesis, CV, transcript of
records, and a list of at least two people who can be contacted for a
letter of recommendation.

German language skills are not required.

For further information please contact Felix Joos
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