Wednesday, December 4, 2024

[DMANET] PhD student in flight logistics at Linköping University

We are looking for a PhD student in flight logistics with a focus on air traffic management (ATM) and sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs). You will work within the project "Reducing Aviation GHG Emissions: Optimized Routes, Drop-in Fuels, and Incentives", in which we aim to illuminate the possibilities for emission reductions that can be achieved in the short to mid-term by using the combination of enhanced ATM and biofuels for aviation (that is, SAFs). This includes the development and implementation of a framework to compute emissions for a given set of flights, based on existing tools; the development and implementation of an optimization framework for aircraft routes (en-route and within the terminal maneuvering area); and the evaluation of the emission-reduction potential from today's ATM system and from SAFs for Sweden.

You will also be included in the study of the interaction between different EU-level policy instruments (specifically, between EU-ETS and ReFuelEU Aviation) and suggestions for possible adjustments of policy instruments—your degree of inclusion in this part of the work will depend on interest and previous knowledge in this area. Finally, you will work on evaluating the combined emission-reduction potential including the possibly adapted policy instruments.

You'll be working in the Flight Logistics unit ( within the Communications and Transportations Systems division at Linköping University, Sweden.

You have graduated at master's level in computer science, mathematics, transport systems, or similar; completed courses of at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits at second-cycle level in equivalent subjects; or in some other way acquired substantially equivalent knowledge.

For this employment it is strongly meritorious if you have earlier knowledge in programming, we also prefer if your have earlier experience in at least one of following areas: mathematical modelling, optimization, operations research, algorithms, economic analysis or with work within aviation and air transportation.

You are expected to have a good ability to communicate orally in English and a very good ability to communicate in written English. Ability to communicate orally and in writing in Swedish is an advantage.

Application Deadline
January 10, 2025

More Information
For more information and to apply, please visit

If you have any questions, please contact:
Christiane Schmidt (Senior Associate Professor)

We are looking forward to receiving your application.
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