It is our pleasure to announce the celebration of World Logic Day at Queen
Mary University of London on the 14th of January 2025!
Our event will consist of six in-person talks by esteemed researchers from
Queen Mary, Oxford, and Birkbeck: Glynn Winskel, Soren Riis, Vladislav
Ryzhikov, Sandra Kiefer, Marc Roth, and Paulo Oliva. They will present
various research topics related to logics and logical methods in computer
science. The talks are addressed to a wide audience including non-experts
and students. Everyone is warmly welcome to attend!
For the full program and a link for online attendance please see
. The event is free, and no registration is required.
Please do spread the word to students, colleagues, and institutions which
might be interested. We hope to see you in January in London!
Best regards and, if you celebrate, I wish you a wonderful Christmas and a
happy New Year!
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