Dear Colleagues
University College Dublin (UCD, Dublin, Ireland) has recently opened the
competitive *Ad Astra Fellowship positions*. I am writing here to
highlight possibilities within the *UCD College of Business, Management
Information Systems Subject Area*.
- Ad Astra Fellowships are *tenure-track*, highly competitive, faculty
posts as you can see from the appointment terms below:
- Ad Astra Fellow appointees will normally be appointed at the first
salary point of Assistant Professor/Lecturer Above-the-Bar pay scale.
- The initial term will be five years with the possibility of
permanency after a four-year review of performance against targets set with
the Head of School at commencement and approved at College and University
level. These targets will include applying for a minimum of one
externally-funded research grant each year, and there will normally be an
expectation that at least one of these grant applications is successful for
the four-year review to be satisfactory.
- Relocation expenses will be paid in accordance with the UCD
Relocation Policy up to a maximum of €4500.
- Appointees will have a reduced teaching load for up to three years,
with a teaching load of between one third and one half of the standard
teaching load in the first year, between one half and two thirds in the
second year and between two thirds and one of the standard teaching load in
the third year.
- Appointees will receive research support for the first five years,
which will normally consist of a PhD student scholarship and a budget for
research costs of €5000 per annum.
- Appointees without a formal university teaching qualification will
be expected to undertake the UCD Professional Certificate in University
Teaching and Learning. Further requirements for satisfactory performance
will be determined and will include a specified number of high-quality
research publications appropriate for the discipline.
The Management Information Systems (MIS
<>) subject
area within the College of Business at UCD
<> is seeking applications
from candidates with an interest and track record in *Artificial
Intelligence, Analytics and Data, Digital Transformation*. The salary
scale is the one of Lecturer/Asst Professor Above The Bar (7943): *€62,855
- €99,533 per annum*.
If interested, please apply here
<> and select
Management Information Systems, the deadline is *March 21, 2025 at 12
noon (Irish time)*.
Informal enquiries can be directed to the Head of the MIS Subject Area,
Professor Michael O'Neill (
Kind regards
Dr Annunziata Esposito Amideo
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