school at KIT Center MathSEE that offers an interdisciplinary training
program for doctoral researchers in the field of model-driven and
data-driven computational science.
We are offering two DAAD Graduate School Scholarships (for candidates with
residency outside of Germany in the last 15 months, so especially for
international candidates!) and two doctoral researcher positions (no
restriction regarding residency):
* <>
Project 01: How to achieve "entity awareness" in deep learning models for
hydrological applications? (DAAD scholarship)
* <>
Project 02: Non-intrusive calculation of homogenized material properties for
non-periodic and non-linear microstructures (DAAD scholarship)
* <>
Project 03: Doctoral Project in the group of André Platzer, the Alexander
von Humboldt Professor for Logic of Autonomous Dynamical Systems (doctoral
position, employment at KIT)
* <>
Project 04: Replacement of chemistry simulation by machine learning in an
Earth system model (doctoral position, employment at KIT)
Find out more and apply:
Deadline for applications is March 31, 2025
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- KIT Center MathSEE -
Angela Hühnerfuß
KIT Graduate School Computational and Data Science
Coordination Office <>
Kaiserstr. 12
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49 721-608 47748 <>
KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association <>
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