Dear Colleagues,
We are organizing a session on "Integer Programming and Combinatorial
Optimization: Complexity Questions and Algorithms"
in the stream "Combinatorial Optimization" at the 34th European Conference
on Operational Research (EURO 34th)
that will be held in Leeds, United Kingdom, June 22 - 25, 2025
Session organizer: Sergei Chubanov (
The main focus of the session will be on
-- Theory of (integer) linear programming and combinatorial optimization
-- Oracle complexity of integer programming
-- Polynomial-time approximation schemes
-- Semidefinite and copositive programming
-- Approximation algorithms and heuristics
-- Machine-learning algorithms for integer programming
-- Combinatorial black-box optimization
If you wish to contribute to this session, please visit
and submit your abstract using the submission code b2360085
Abstracts must be written in English and contain no more than 1500
characters. Each attendee is allowed to present one paper at the
conference. The person submitting the abstract must be the one presenting
and has to appear as first author.
In order to submit an abstract, you need to have a EURO account.
If you do not have an account you will need to create one.
Submission deadline: 8th March 2025
We look forward to seeing you at EURO 2025 in Leeds!
Sergei Chubanov
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